Sep 26, 2005
Beautiful Day
I have to say though that my little Sunnydale sure is missing his Dad. He keeps asking me where he is and I tell him he's at work right now and he says "no he's not, he's singing". Then we all just laugh, cause he sounds so sweet when he says it. Not a lot going on over here though. Just trying to get settled in and do homework. This week will be a really busy one, but I'll try hard to post every day.
Sep 24, 2005
The girls are still sleeping. Sunnydale Jr. woke me up this morning exclaiming his need to "go potty". I was pretty excited about that. I've been working really hard with him daily to get this potty training business down. He's been doing wonderful. I've bee so shocked because all anyone tells me is that I should wait because he won't do it until he's 3. I'm sorry, but I have no desire to be changing 3 year old diapers!! So we have a system, sort of, because he changes his request almost on a daily basis. *grin*, sometimes he'll get a sticker, sometimes he'll get a frozen Gogurt, other times he wants to draw, it depends on his mood, I guess.
Hope everyone in the path of this Hurricane Rita is ok. I'll try and write more later
Sep 21, 2005
Job prospects??
Anyhoo, other than that not much happened today. Adri was home today from school. Feeling slightly "under the weather". She's fine though and will definitely return to school tomorrow. *grin* I'm outta here for the night. Actually tired and am going to bed early.
Sep 19, 2005
My hair's testimony
Anyhoo, tomorrow at PWOC I'm supposed to share my testimony. For those of you inside the box, your testimony is your story on how you came to Christ. *wink* I thought it would be nice to hear some of your testimonies. So you can post it here, or email it to me and I can post it for you. Thanks!
I don't have any plans for today. Just laundry. *rolls eyes* Story of my life. *grin* I'll post tonight if something really exciting happens to me today.
Sep 18, 2005
Wasabi Vs. Pepto

DON"T RUIN MY NIGHT WITH STOMACH PROBLEMS!! *haha* Just kiddin, This picture is during a wasabi attack. I know a few of you out there have experienced Sunnydale during his wasabi moments. For those of you who haven't, wasabi is this green paste like stuff that you mix with a little bit of soy sauce. It makes for an intense and painful flavor on sushi. *laughing* Hey, it's free entertainment.
**Note from Sunnydale**
Acid free dates, I'm sure, are a lot more fun.
****Back to me****
Anyhoo, Let me advise that if you know you've been having stomach problems then be prepared. So maybe in two years Sunnydale will try taking me out again. I have a feeling it'll be a while. *sighs, rolling eyes*
Of course, had we done what he wanted and gone to a play down in Carmel, it would have been a much nicer night. Karma, right? LOL
Sep 16, 2005
Purple tomatoes, Penguins, Nemo and Seaweed
I enjoy them so much. However, I really enjoy my time at night. They all go to bed at 7 and I go to bed around 11 or 12. That gives me 4-5 hours at night to clean, or just sit and be quiet. (yes, Sunnydale, I CAN be quiet) *wink*
Anyway, so sometimes I just crack myself up. Actually, that can be a problem, because most of the time I get a bigger kick out of myself than anybody else does. *rolls eyes* It is sad occasionally, to think that the people around me are not having as much fun as I am. *sigh* So, I came home today, with a cell phone in my hand. I looked at Sunnydale and I said "don't be mad". He took one look at me and then at the phone in my hand and I could tell this wasn't going to be a pretty conversation. "I got a phone". ****slow motion**** "Y--O--U G--O--T W--H--A--T?? Instantly I knew that this was not going to be one of those 'forgiveness is easier than permission things'.
You see, we gave up cell phones, cable, all kinds of things 3 years ago, so we could be financially free. It has been nice, too, I must say. To not have all the bills that most people have. Including our truck payment we have 5 bills. That includes, phone, car insurance, those normal things. Anyway, so 6 months ago, we added television back in. But it hasn't changed life much.
Back to the topic, I stood there phone in hand waiting for him to get his full reaction out. Which didn't exactly happen. I saw the look on his face and had to give up the truth. I could tell that this was one of those times where my kind of humor probably would only be fun for me.
My friend Tracy gave me the phone. Nice gal, huh? She sure did, it's one of those pre-paid phones. So we just have to register it and put some $$ on it and we got a phone. No contract, no $70.00 cell phone bills. *cheer*
He was relieved that I hadn't signed some kind of life altering contract. I think it's a serious concern of his that one day I'll sign our lives away to something. Although I can't figure that out because I don't recall ever signing a contract for anything. Except maybe that little paper that waived the insurance for our household goods that were in storage that one year......Then when rain ruined all we had, I was in a teeny bit of trouble for that one. *sigh*
Overall, today was a great day. Sure to precede a terrible day tomorrow. I've got my root canal in the morning, and Anna's parent teacher conference at 1pm. 30 minutes after I get out of having my mouth ripped apart.*ACK* Isn't that a joke??? LOL
Sep 14, 2005

Well now, I wasn't going to bring this up. However, considering the fact that Sunnydale already thinks I talk too much, I figured what have I got to lose?. *grin*
Now, my husband is a perfectionist. If given a task he will complete it usually 250%. It's in his nature. It's just who he is. He sees the bigger picture.
As most of you know, Sunnydale leads the praise and worship team at church. Like most everything else, he's efficiently effective. *grin* They practice every Sunday night at 7pm. This past Sunday was no different.
As Sunnydale was leaving, Adrienne wanted to go with him. So, being the awesome multi-tasker that he is, he told her to come on.
Well, they were gone for a while and I got the other tenants fed, bathed and in the bed at 7:30 pm. I was in the laundry room *yes, I was doing laundry* putting clothes in the washer when I heard the front door open. After a few minutes, Sunnydale joined me in the laundry room. He looked pretty disappointed. So we talked for a while about why his day had gone the way it had. He picked on me because I had thawed out ground beef then decided that chicken was healthier, so I wasn't going to cook the ground beef. Sunnydale decided he was going to make hamburgers. He had been home for about 45 minutes. By now it was 9pm.
So at 9:30 pm, Sunnydale had taken 4 POUNDS of ground beef and made 5 **yes** 5 hamburgers. They were more like hambookies than hamburgers. Just picture in your head the huge cookies they sell in the mall. Eww.
Anyhoo, the phone rings and I answer it. This is how it went...
"Christi? It's Heather"
"Hi, Heather! What's up?"
"Where is Sunnydale?" (sounding slightly frantic)
"Umm, right here, why?"
"Because I've got Adrienne here at the church, he went home without her"
I look up at Sunnydale and say...
"Adrienne's WHERE??"
You see, I was doing laundry *clears throat* and it took him a while to come in the laundry room with me. So I assumed *and yes, I do know what assuming does* that he had laid her down in her room when he came home. But I was wrong. Very wrong.
He had left her at the church. From 8 pm at night until 9:30!!!!!!
Now, before you laugh and think it's no big deal, there is more.
A couple of weeks ago, when Sunnydale was working nights he met us at church Sunday morning. He led the Praise and Worship and then came and sat down next to me.
A friend of mine brought her granddaughter to church that Sunday. Nine weeks old, she is the cutest thing. While Sunnydale was singing I leaned forward and asked to hold her.
Ok, So Sunnydale came and sat down next to me. He looked at Marissa, the baby I was holding and asked if he could hold her. I said sure! He smiled at her then asked me why I changed her clothes. I just sat there and looked at him. It only took a second before it registered that he thought this baby was Abby!!!!!
So, much to my chagrin, I am leaving in November for Colorado for 4 days and I'm supposed to be comfortable that when Sunnydale comes home with our kids, IF he comes home with our kids, they will be the right kids. *sigh*
*laughing* Sunnydale ;) I love you.
Sep 13, 2005
Drugs anyone?
"Pull my tooth!"
"Shoot me"
"pull my tooth, please???"
"no, I don't extract permanent teeth unless it is a dire emergency"
"There is going to be a dire emergency if you don't take some action"
"do you really want me to ruin your mouth for life?"
"no, smart eleck, I want you to make it stop hurting"
"Ok, I can do Friday morning at 10:15, you'll need to be here for 2 hours."
I sat there dumbfounded. FRIDAY??? This was yesterday (Monday). Um, did I mention that I felt like crying and passing out, and I was beginning to weigh my options about whether you'll really pass out if you hold your breath??
"Friday? Are you joking? This is Monday!"
"It's the earliest I can see you"
"What am I now? A hologram?"
"Mrs. Hyde, I understand that you are in pain, but the earliest I can see you to take care of the tooth is Friday morning. However, I will prescribe to you a pain killer that will help until then."
"umm, ok. Thanks"
To make a long story short, the pharmacist says I shouldn't take this medicine if lactating *rolls eyes*, Can't drive while on this medication, can't consume caffeine, need to eat to avoid nausea and vomiting (did I mention it's a toothache?) and last but certainly not least, This medication will make me sleepy, so if I work or take care of children I shouldn't take it.
I may not make it until Friday
Sep 8, 2005

Isn't it fun to watch a sleeping baby? Abby fell asleep on the couch so I couldn't help but take her picture. Her little pig tail sticking up. It's so hard to believe she is 8 months old now! In the midst of all the chaos around the world, she sleeps full of peace knowing that she is loved and taken care of. That speaks to me during this time in our country. To see all the sadness right now, yet it is possible to know that we are loved, by our Father, and that we are taken care of. It's hard to remember sometimes that even though we fight the battle, the war is won. But it is. A simple, yet profound truth.
So I went to Starbucks this morning glad to have caffeine pumping through my system. *grin* Sunnydale informed me that we cannot take stock out in Starbucks. Even though personally I think I would find a certain satisfaction in knowing I was contributing to the world of caffeine addicts. I did forgo the pastry and I also got a nonfat mocha w/ no whip. Even though technically it still has 2 grams of fat, the original mocha has 22 grams of fat!!!!! I'll go ahead and consider this progress. Okay, well, thanks to the stress from worrying about family with the aftermath of Katrina and all, I have successfully organized quite a bit of the parts of my house no one ever sees. Like the storage room downstairs, the junk drawer in the kitchen, the top of the fridge etc. You get the idea. Because my house is almost always CLEAN, I have learned over the past few years that surface clean and deep clean (like, storage closets, under beds things like that) are two completely things......*rolls eyes* So now, the task is to DEEP clean. *whew* Think I'm going to go have another coffee. *grin* Just kiddin, Sunnydale. ;)
Okay Sarah, I'm waiting to hear how classes went on your first day of Grad. school. Hope it all went well. I have complete faith in you, though. Not one doubt that you can accomplish this with flying colors.
Onto the land of Tide city of.....whites???
Sep 4, 2005
Kids Helping Kids...

Yesterday our kids and some of the neighborhood kids made a lemonade stand. They sold, candy, lemonade and Promise Pins. When we were all done and packed up the stand, 6 hours of sitting out there produced a total donation of $340.00!! We're doing it again next weekend. I was so proud of the kids. They did an awesome job. We are also going to call some of the local dealerships and see if they want to match our donation. Great job kids!
Sep 3, 2005

My neighbor came up with this great idea to make pins to show our support for the people in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. She came up with this pin and is calling it a "Promise Pin". We made 49 of them last night and are selling them at our Lemonade stand this morning for $3.00 each. I think this is going to end up being a huge hit. The rainbow and the dove are obviously significant of God and His promise to all of us.
Hats off to Texas and all they are doing to support all these people. Let me know if you are intrested in us making some of these pins for you or for people in your area!
Sep 2, 2005
Helping Out
South Huntington Church of Christ
Hurricane Relief
P.O. Box 1399
Kosciusko, 39090
Gateway Church of Christ
245 Brent Lane
Pensacola, FL 32503
Thanks for any and all help!
Sep 1, 2005
Talked to family
That's all for now, I'll write more later.
PS = She said that the lines are more open in the middle of the night, like when I called her. So if you're trying to get in touch with someone try calling in the middle of the night. ALSO - when I call my Mom, it tells me that all circuits are busy.... But if I hang up and call 3 to 6 times in a row I finally get through. Although this hasn't worked for my Aunt in Laurel, I sat and hit redial for an hour and half yesterday thinking at some point I'd get through, but it didn't work. Anyway, it's worth a shot to call in the middle of the night.
Hope everyone is safe.