Sep 21, 2005

Job prospects??

A few months ago a little bug was put in my ear about the possibility of a job opening at church. I thought about it and when it was announced last week that it was officially open I decided that I'm going to apply. It's the position of RE (Religious Education). I am really excited about the possibility of this job being given to me. We've been attending Chapel for over a year now and I'm familiar with the way a military chapel works, to an extent. I'm sure if I get this job I'll learn so much more. That in itself is exciting to me. Plus, the money would be nice to store away, pay off the truck. *rolls eyes* It's 30 hours a week at roughly $22 per hour. You do the math. *wink* Nice job. I am seriously praying that this works out. I'll let you know. Hopefully I'll know something by the beginning of October, but that's not confirmed yet.

Anyhoo, other than that not much happened today. Adri was home today from school. Feeling slightly "under the weather". She's fine though and will definitely return to school tomorrow. *grin* I'm outta here for the night. Actually tired and am going to bed early.

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