Sep 1, 2005

Talked to family

Finally got a hold of Sunnydale's Mom last night. I called her cell phone at 11:00 pm my time. She could only talk for 2 minutes, and that is not an exaggeration. They are down in the New Orleans area doing what I gathered is similar to search and rescue. She said there are dead bodies everywhere. She sounded so very sad. Please pray that they sustain their strength not only physically (it was 1:00 am her time when I talked to her) but emotionally. They are going on almost NO sleep. For those of you who don't know, they own an ambulance service farther north in Louisiana. They were down in New Orleans for an EMS conference. Evac'ed to Baton Rouge and now are back in N.O.

That's all for now, I'll write more later.

PS = She said that the lines are more open in the middle of the night, like when I called her. So if you're trying to get in touch with someone try calling in the middle of the night. ALSO - when I call my Mom, it tells me that all circuits are busy.... But if I hang up and call 3 to 6 times in a row I finally get through. Although this hasn't worked for my Aunt in Laurel, I sat and hit redial for an hour and half yesterday thinking at some point I'd get through, but it didn't work. Anyway, it's worth a shot to call in the middle of the night.

Hope everyone is safe.

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