Sep 24, 2005


So Sunnydale left this morning for Georgia. He'll spend two weeks there then get home on Oct. 8.

The girls are still sleeping. Sunnydale Jr. woke me up this morning exclaiming his need to "go potty". I was pretty excited about that. I've been working really hard with him daily to get this potty training business down. He's been doing wonderful. I've bee so shocked because all anyone tells me is that I should wait because he won't do it until he's 3. I'm sorry, but I have no desire to be changing 3 year old diapers!! So we have a system, sort of, because he changes his request almost on a daily basis. *grin*, sometimes he'll get a sticker, sometimes he'll get a frozen Gogurt, other times he wants to draw, it depends on his mood, I guess.

Hope everyone in the path of this Hurricane Rita is ok. I'll try and write more later

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