Sep 16, 2005

Purple tomatoes, Penguins, Nemo and Seaweed

I took the big kids to school today and then picked up my friend Amy and her 2 yr. old son Luke and we went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. I love this place. It's one of my favorite things about living here. This is one of the worlds biggest Aquariums. Did I say that this place is beyond awesome? Well, it is. Anyhoo. They have this new things called "crash and splash", well, my little man, Sunnydale jr, that is *grin* HATED it. He was so scared he was shaking. It's just this short little tunnel, but still, it scared him all the same. Other than that, we had a blast. We played in the kids area, where they have all kinds of things for the kids to play with, in, under and around. We looked at the Outer Bay with the sharks, giant turtles, hammer heads, tuna, all kinds of things. We watched them feed the fish and critters in the Kelp Forest, it was a lot of fun. I bought Sunnydale this little hat. He's so cute in it. I'll post a pic of him later. Then we picked up the older kids from school and stayed at Amy's for a little while. Came home cleaned up ate dinner, bedtime is 7 pm! (for the kids)

I enjoy them so much. However, I really enjoy my time at night. They all go to bed at 7 and I go to bed around 11 or 12. That gives me 4-5 hours at night to clean, or just sit and be quiet. (yes, Sunnydale, I CAN be quiet) *wink*

Anyway, so sometimes I just crack myself up. Actually, that can be a problem, because most of the time I get a bigger kick out of myself than anybody else does. *rolls eyes* It is sad occasionally, to think that the people around me are not having as much fun as I am. *sigh* So, I came home today, with a cell phone in my hand. I looked at Sunnydale and I said "don't be mad". He took one look at me and then at the phone in my hand and I could tell this wasn't going to be a pretty conversation. "I got a phone". ****slow motion**** "Y--O--U G--O--T W--H--A--T?? Instantly I knew that this was not going to be one of those 'forgiveness is easier than permission things'.

You see, we gave up cell phones, cable, all kinds of things 3 years ago, so we could be financially free. It has been nice, too, I must say. To not have all the bills that most people have. Including our truck payment we have 5 bills. That includes, phone, car insurance, those normal things. Anyway, so 6 months ago, we added television back in. But it hasn't changed life much.

Back to the topic, I stood there phone in hand waiting for him to get his full reaction out. Which didn't exactly happen. I saw the look on his face and had to give up the truth. I could tell that this was one of those times where my kind of humor probably would only be fun for me.

My friend Tracy gave me the phone. Nice gal, huh? She sure did, it's one of those pre-paid phones. So we just have to register it and put some $$ on it and we got a phone. No contract, no $70.00 cell phone bills. *cheer*

He was relieved that I hadn't signed some kind of life altering contract. I think it's a serious concern of his that one day I'll sign our lives away to something. Although I can't figure that out because I don't recall ever signing a contract for anything. Except maybe that little paper that waived the insurance for our household goods that were in storage that one year......Then when rain ruined all we had, I was in a teeny bit of trouble for that one. *sigh*

Overall, today was a great day. Sure to precede a terrible day tomorrow. I've got my root canal in the morning, and Anna's parent teacher conference at 1pm. 30 minutes after I get out of having my mouth ripped apart.*ACK* Isn't that a joke??? LOL

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