Sep 14, 2005


Well now, I wasn't going to bring this up. However, considering the fact that Sunnydale already thinks I talk too much, I figured what have I got to lose?. *grin*

Now, my husband is a perfectionist. If given a task he will complete it usually 250%. It's in his nature. It's just who he is. He sees the bigger picture.

As most of you know, Sunnydale leads the praise and worship team at church. Like most everything else, he's efficiently effective. *grin* They practice every Sunday night at 7pm. This past Sunday was no different.
As Sunnydale was leaving, Adrienne wanted to go with him. So, being the awesome multi-tasker that he is, he told her to come on.

Well, they were gone for a while and I got the other tenants fed, bathed and in the bed at 7:30 pm. I was in the laundry room *yes, I was doing laundry* putting clothes in the washer when I heard the front door open. After a few minutes, Sunnydale joined me in the laundry room. He looked pretty disappointed. So we talked for a while about why his day had gone the way it had. He picked on me because I had thawed out ground beef then decided that chicken was healthier, so I wasn't going to cook the ground beef. Sunnydale decided he was going to make hamburgers. He had been home for about 45 minutes. By now it was 9pm.

So at 9:30 pm, Sunnydale had taken 4 POUNDS of ground beef and made 5 **yes** 5 hamburgers. They were more like hambookies than hamburgers. Just picture in your head the huge cookies they sell in the mall. Eww.
Anyhoo, the phone rings and I answer it. This is how it went...

"Christi? It's Heather"
"Hi, Heather! What's up?"
"Where is Sunnydale?" (sounding slightly frantic)
"Umm, right here, why?"
"Because I've got Adrienne here at the church, he went home without her"

I look up at Sunnydale and say...
"Adrienne's WHERE??"

You see, I was doing laundry *clears throat* and it took him a while to come in the laundry room with me. So I assumed *and yes, I do know what assuming does* that he had laid her down in her room when he came home. But I was wrong. Very wrong.

He had left her at the church. From 8 pm at night until 9:30!!!!!!

Now, before you laugh and think it's no big deal, there is more.

A couple of weeks ago, when Sunnydale was working nights he met us at church Sunday morning. He led the Praise and Worship and then came and sat down next to me.

A friend of mine brought her granddaughter to church that Sunday. Nine weeks old, she is the cutest thing. While Sunnydale was singing I leaned forward and asked to hold her.

Ok, So Sunnydale came and sat down next to me. He looked at Marissa, the baby I was holding and asked if he could hold her. I said sure! He smiled at her then asked me why I changed her clothes. I just sat there and looked at him. It only took a second before it registered that he thought this baby was Abby!!!!!

So, much to my chagrin, I am leaving in November for Colorado for 4 days and I'm supposed to be comfortable that when Sunnydale comes home with our kids, IF he comes home with our kids, they will be the right kids. *sigh*

*laughing* Sunnydale ;) I love you.


Kristy said...

Hey girl! I had to laugh at that blog. Hopefully when you get back all the kids and the right ones will be at home.


Christi Dobson said...

Hi Kristy!! Yeah, well, something tells me that I have reason to be concerned. *rolls eyes laughing*