Aug 29, 2005


We have family and friends that are in the path of this horrible storm. We are praying for the safety of everyone.
I've stayed up most of the night. I suppose it's different when you've got family in harms way. I've flipped back and forth from The Weather Channel, MSNBC and Fox news. I fell asleep for a little while on the couch (Sunnydale worked last night and came home around 5:30 am) filling Sunnydale in here and there late last night. He called his brother at 1am their time. I talked to his mom who is in Baton Rouge around midnight. I am most concerned about New Orleans and the Biloxi/Gulf Port area. So many friends down there... JD, we're praying for you guys. Dee you too! Tommy, I'm not sure of the location of the town you guys went to for the weekend, so I hope you all are safe. My Aunt and Uncle in stayed in Laurel hoping that it wouldn't get too bad. I've just been so worried about everyone. My Grandma is in Vicksburg praying also that the worst of it won't head her way. Mom and Dad are in Grenada. All those tornadoes that will hit Mississippi and Alabama before it dissolves slightly and heads into Tennessee, just to produce more tornadoes. I'd rather go through an earthquake than tornadoes and a hurricane. Plus, half the earthquakes we've had out here, I somehow have been oblivious to. *rolls eyes*.

I'm logging now, back to the TV. Praying for safety for everyone down there.

Aug 26, 2005



Which state has the longest coastline? Alaska
Which state has the greatest density? New Jersey
Which state has least density? Alaska
Which state grows coffee? Hawaii
Where is a diamond mine? Arkansas
Where is the driest state? Nevada
What is the wettest state? Hawaii
Which state grows the most food? California
Which state has the shortest coastline? 13 miles, New hampshire


I know you've been sitting in suspense over whether or not my linen closet is organized. You'll be happy to know, that I did organize it and it looks very....Clean. Tidy. Like no one ever uses it. It's sad, really. I tried to give it some encouraging words, like, "it's ok, being clean and organized is a good thing, when we need something, we'll be able to find it." I think the problem is that now it has a few barren shelves, and it feels unproductive or something. Over time, I think, probably once I'm done folding the towels, it will be happier.

I am slightly unhappy today because Sunnydale has hijacked my purse and won't bring it home to me. Why don't I go get it, you ask? Because he left me with the vehicle that has barely any gas. *sigh* When I questioned him this morning, he said something, I vaguely remember, something about him telling me to get my stuff out of the truck last night because he was taking the truck today and that he has hijacked my purse as a learning experience for me. *crosses arms* How rude.

I say that I am slightly unhappy because there is an up side to the story. After realizing that he was wrong and that I needed my purse today for important reasons, he has written the following apology to me...

Dearest Christi,

I am so sorry for hijacking your purse. You are right, if I want to use your truck I should transfer all items for you to my car. I realize that this is a huge inconvenience for you so I have come up with a solution. Tonight when I come home, I will fix dinner for you. After you have eaten and had dessert, I will clean up the dishes while you take a bath. I'll get the kids ready for bed too, while you go on to bed early. I am so sorry for the stress I caused you this morning. My intent was for you to learn to remove your purse from the truck. However, I have learned a more valuable lesson. I have learned that when I want to change your routine, then I should provide the necessary tools to make it the easiest transition possible. Removing your purse would have been an easy task for me, because I had no children hanging on my arms preventing me and also because I always have your best interest at heart. Because I know that your happiness is a reflection of me.

Love forever,
Sunnydale (by P.O.A)


Aug 25, 2005

Land of Tide

I got ready for Prom this morning (for those of you who don't know, Prom is when I take the kids to school and all the other moms are all dressed up in full out make up at 7 am) and was shocked at what I saw when I got to the school. Not one, not two, but three women who appeared to be in pajamas. *cracking up*. It reminds me of Sunnydale when he first started shaving his head everyday. Not too long after he started that, all of a sudden soldiers everywhere had newly shaved stark white heads. LOL Being bald just isn't for some people. You have to be uniquely designed with a nice shaped head, in my opinion, to be able to pull it off. That and a personality like Sunnydale has. *wink*

But at least it proves me wrong, to an extent, about whether or not these wives are even wearing pj's.

So I'm starting an adventure today. Sunnydale has decided that I need to be more organized. * shocked * I very simply was surprised at hearing that. I've tried explaining to him that when he's not here, the house stays clean, the laundry is kept up....But for some reason his presence just voids it all. Can you believe that he didn't believe me??? So he gave me a place to start. The girls bathroom. When he said that I was excited. Because the girls bathroom is already clean. Cheer! Then he said, "specifically the linen closet". My excitement sunk as I had forgotten about the linen closet hidden behind the bathroom door. "Oh, that", was my reply. "What do you want in it?", "Linens!" he exclaimed. Ahh, the proverbial thought that just because you have a linen closet you have to have linens in it. *rolls eyes* How very traditional. And here I thought we were going for the non-traditional way of life.

So I am prepared to put linens in the linen closet. There is one catch though. And something tells me that he knew this. Digging the sheets, towels and blankets out of the hampers and washing them is probably the first thing he had in mind. So here we go, back to the washing of laundry. *sigh*

*hamper in one hand, detergent in the other* I am ready. What are you laughing at? If I showed up at your house right this second would all your laundry be washed??? So laundry isn't my favorite thing, these are....

1. Butterflies
2. Hazelnut coffee
3. The color red (not the bright red, but the rich, darker red)
4. Reading (romantic stories without all the "in the bed" stuff)
5. Writing
6. Cooking (I was blessed with a hubby who will eat anything)
7. Sunsets
8. Turtles ( My favorite one my Dad gave me when I was a kid, it's made out of sand)
9. Sun catchers
10. Flowers. Preferably daisies, but I love all flowers. NOT flower bedspreads, or curtains, but real flowers.

I'm off to the land of Tide, city of Linen.

Sweet Abby

I took this picture of Abby Sunday morning before church. She was sitting so sweetly, waiting for the rest of us to get our acts together. I couldn't resist capturing the moment. :)

Aug 24, 2005

No Dope here

Is this better?? *grin*


So as not to bore my 4 faithful readers, I have provided an interesting read. Enjoy.

The original meaning of this term, G.I, for American soldiers and their gear is somewhat obscure. It is commonly thought to stand for Government Issue or General Issue. In fact, it originally stood for Galvanized Iron. A G.I. can was a metal trash can. During WWI, German artillery shells were called G.I. cans.
Sometime during the 1930s, the idea that G.I. stood for government or general issue sprang up. During WWII, this idea took hold among the general populace and became a reference to anything having to do with the American military--especially common soldiers.
But while the origin may originally be galvanized iron, that origin lacks the humorous punch that propelled the phrase to stardom. The sardonic idea that soldiers were issued by the government instead of being born is what made the idea catch on.

Kimono Boy

Grandma Carole went all the way to Japan and brought back a Kimono for the littlest man of the family. He loves it!

Met the teachers, met the parents, regretted lack of caffeine

Picture this...

Sunnydale comes home from work just in time to pick up Adrienne and take her to this open house thing at school. She's so excited because he will meet her teacher and see her classroom. She's mostly excited about him seeing the journal she's been working on. They get in the class and they are looking at the journal.
There's a picture she drew of Anna, Mommy, Adri, Abby and Sunnydale Jr., there are more pictures of Anna, Mommy, Abby, Adrienne and Sunnydale Jr., as they get closer to the end of the journal, she picks up on the fact that she's left Daddy out of her pictures. She quickly rectifies the situation when they get to the last picture and she exclaims "That's you, Daddy, but I couldn't draw pants, so I just drew a dress".

Personally, I rolled when I heard this. I can see the humor in it. I think Sunnydale was ready to forget about the Army and be a stay at home Dad. LOL I have to say though, that even though he's got long hours, he's a great Dad. Going above and beyond to make sure the kids know he's there for them and that he loves them. Although sneaking behind my back and teaching Abby to say "da da" first, I have to say was an all time low.

Met some of the parents of the kids in Anna's class. Let me tell you, that was an eye opener. Made me want to hang upside down by my toenails. This one parent who clearly had issues when she was a child at school just would not stop talking. I apparently was misled, because I thought we were there to meet the teacher, not the parents. But after a ten minute speech about why the teacher should rotate the children so they won't become part of a "clique". I was ready to pull out the duck tape. Honestly, I think it would have been fairly easy to bring her down with the support of the other parents. *sigh* Thankfully, I had my diet Dr. Pepper so all I really heard was " Mahnamahna,Mahnamahna,Mahnamahna".

Ok, so JD said that if I fed Chester creatively he would do what ever I want. All I'm going to admit to, is that it didn't work. No more will be said about it for a while. At least until the neighbors have time to recover and I get the feeling back on the left side of my body.

Aug 23, 2005

Sarah and Gilmoreisms

This is a test. This is a test of the emergency GG system.

I know you have it. You told me you have it. I can't stop thinking about it. Let's be great friends. You make a copy and send it to me. And I'll never again single you out on my blog.

Aug 22, 2005


I am deeply saddened and quite shocked by my lack of anything funny today. Could this be a sign that this was a boring and funniless day. Surely not. But other than Adrienne wanting everyone to smell her armpits to see if they stink, not much happened. She thinks that if your armpits stink it's a sure-fire way to tell if you're growing hair there. *sigh*
She asked Sunnydale to make her laugh and after a very brief moment of thought he says "BOO!". She's like, "Dad, I asked you to make me laugh, not scare me". I couldn't help but laugh because that's Sunnydale for you. His idea of fun, something that would make him laugh, smile, feel good, is a rush of fear. *shrugs* He just doesn't understand why we don't laugh in the eye of danger. *grin*

Some of you know about our family member, Chester, and some of you don't. I try not to talk about him much for fear of making him feel more at home than he already does. Ten years from now when he's still trying to sit on my lap, I might feel a twinge of love for him. I'm careful to make sure that doesn't happen. Although everywhere I go, he's right next to me. I think I might have already given him the wrong impression which would explain why he looks at me with those brown eyes the way he does. It's a problem that is growing bigger and bigger every day. He's eating more and more, constantly talking to me, and never sleeps. It's an issue that Sunnydale and I disagree on. Mostly because Sunnydale thinks Chester is his soul mate. Quite a strange pair if you ask me. But they do have a few commonalities. *wink*

Anyhoo, Sunnydale feels that it' s vitally important to be raised with a dog. So I let him have one. When I get done raising the former, I'm not sure what he'll do with the latter. Much to my chagrin, he'll probably keep it.
"Chester" is a 7 mth old Pug puppy. Whose life mission is to NOT obey anything I say. Especially when it comes to going outside to use the bathroom. Just the other day I told him "Outside, Chester, go potty" to which he replied "look lady, I don't see you going out there to go potty while I stand and watch you at the door". *rolls eyes*
The things us women sacrifice to make our husbands happy. Of course, Sunnydale is the one who insists that it is I, who should leave the toilet seat up for him. *laughs* Silly man.


Well, PWOC Sunday went off well. We did our song and our skit and all survived. I've been trying to work on my lesson for Tuesday as well. For those of you who don't know, I facilitate a bible class on Tuesdays. My class is studying the book "Having a Mary Heart in A Martha World". It's a great class and we have 12 people in it. We also have 2 other classes going on at the same time as mine with about the same number of women in each. Being a part of PWOC has been a learning experience for me. Especially because I come from a pretty conservative background as far as music, clapping hands, how we worship in general, where we worship, things of that nature go. But I enjoy my position in PWOC. I've also enjoyed using my talents to contribute to the ministering of military wives. Being a Christian in this world is hard. But surround yourself with hard core military peeps who last care on earth is any form of religion and you'll either follow them or realize quickly that it'll take a lot of work not to.

It's vastly different than when we were students at MBC. It seems like we were sheltered from the world when we were there. At least that is my opinion. Because this is the real world. When you are constantly challenged in what you believe and why. Here and now, I have to be able to explain why I believe what I do. I think I've been most surprised by people who can't tell you the answers to that.

I have been so deeply challenged that there was a time when I feared death. I feared the possibility of hell so intensely, that I regretted ever being born. Don't get me wrong, I didn't want to die, no suicide. That's just it though, I was SO afraid of hell, just the severity of it all was so scary, that it only seemed logical to me to wish for non existence. If I never existed, then hell wouldn't even be a possibility. Because never in a lifetime would I be good enough for heaven. Does that make sense? Because I just didn't understand. I didn't understand God's grace. I still struggle with the fact that I will never fully comprehend it. That it's all about faith. And faith without works is fruitless.

Ok, so the fumes from the laundry soap have gotten inside my Although once I fixed the dryer you'll be proud to know that I did 8 loads of laundry. Yes, 8. Don't gawk, a family of 6 puts out a lot of laundry. :) Til later...

Aug 21, 2005


I changed the setting so you can post without having to become a member. :)

No, that did not occur to me

So I'm watching the GG marathon. So thrilled there is something on other than golf. All the while I'm thinking to myself. I started the laundry at noon, so why is it 2:00 and I've only put one load into the dryer. Our dryer is sooo slow. I go in there to check on it only to find that the button on the dryer is broken. It is sitting on off and it is still going. I realize that the dryer has been going for 2 hours. I sit there quick to wonder why it didn't occur to me in the last 2 hours that it was still drying the same load of clothes and just as quickly realize that it was of no fault of mine. It didn't buzz. It's the dryers fault. Slowly, and reluctantly, I open the dryer to access the damage. The clothes were really hot. Like, really really hot. And quite small, I might add.

After I chalk it up to something I can do nothing about I move on to add clothes to the washer (after swearing on my life that I'll time the dryer myself and take the clothes out in 45 minutes) and realize that something weird is going on with the socks and underwear. Only to my surprise (of course) does it occur to me that Adrienne's socks and underwear are all doubled. As in, she's wearing more than one pair at a time. I call her in to ask about it. She very nonchalantly replies, well, It's the only way I can keep Anna from borrowing them.

Going into Battle

Ok, so I attacked the laundry yesterday and it retaliated. It won. I lost. *rolls up sleeves* I'm going back in. Mostly because Sunnydale asked me last night if wanting to wash clothes and actually washing clothes are the same thing. *sighs and rolls eyes* It is in my world. *evil grin*

Aug 20, 2005


When you lay down tonight, will you regret what you didn't do, or celebrate what you did?

Some of you know about my journey down the path of the VW. (for those of you who don't it's the Virtuous Woman, the Prov 31 gal) She and I had a conversation and it went something like this.

Excuse me Mrs. VW, but do you ever get everyone ready and in the truck, or carriage, and set off down the road only to find that your hair is still up in the towel from washing it earlier that morning? And when your children rise and call you blessed, how do you get them down? When you consider a field and buy it do you suggest talking this over with a husband that may not approve of the purchase? When you brought your husband food from afar did you also find a fast acting antacid or medicine for food poisoning? When you kept track of your checkbook, were you ever surprised when your husband expected it to be for the current month?? Were you always dressed like royalty when you went out, I mean, you never wore your pajamas to take the children to school? And Mrs. VW when you spoke with wisdom and faithful instruction, you never experienced athletes mouth? I suspect also that by not eating the bread of idleness that included the sweet rolls? You know Mrs. V, I simply have to turn my "lamp" out at night. I tried leaving it on and my husband couldn't sleep, then I failed 2 verses at once...she brings him good, not harm and her lamp does not go out at night. And once I set about my work vigorously and tore a hole in my daughters jeans pulling them from the washer.

My, oh, my. The intimidation of you. Every day I try in my quest to remember your attributes. It seems that in some way, every day I fail. I provide quite a bit of laughter for myself and others, however, maybe a bit of grief for my husband. He lovingly puts up with me. However maybe that means that the verse that says you laugh at the days to come, I have conquered. I definitely do that.

Mrs. V, I do hope that one day I'll be more like you. So people will see Him, through me. *sigh*
Your loving sister,

The Spanish Gardener

Our Gardener is Spanish. A nice man, however you can not hold a conversation with him, unless of course you know Spanish. Anna has been working very hard to rectify this situation. She decided to improve her Spanish skills. This morning he came and Anna was ready. She goes outside and in Spanish says ..."hola, como esta?" he smiles this huge smile and says "bien, et tu?" she replies "moi bien gracious". Then he begins this huge Spanish conversation to which she replies "I don't know that much Spanish yet!" (and I don't know how to spell in spanish yet)

I was so proud of her for trying though. It's been a lot of fun learning Spanish here. I've been surprised at how much fun it is to be able to speak a different language. Although we know more phrases and numbers, things like that than actual words to be put together in a sentence, over the next 2 or 3 years here I suspect our Spanish will improve even more. We live in such a fun world full of opportunities to do new things. I wish more people took advantage of that. Well, I should go now and attack that laundry....

More tree pics

We have won in the battle to save the tree. It is now alive and thriving. *cheer* It appears that you have to actually water the thing to keep it alive. Apparently wanting to water it and actually watering are two different things. *rolls eyes*

Watering the tree

Anna was watering the tree until Sunnydale brought his cup outside because he wanted to help her. She graciously filled his cup up with water and they both watered the tree. :)

Aug 19, 2005

14 in 18 year old body (brain included)

Talk about a blog day. Whew! After I got the kids to school I came home to change so I would be presentable in public. Then I went to talk with a soldiers wife. She is newly married, 18 and fresh away from home. She is also very homesick. So anyhoo, I picked her up and I showed her how to get to the pharmacy, target, her new house and back to post. After that I came home and Sunnydale scared the bejeezies out of me. Cause he was in the laundry room when I came in and I didn't see him until he yelled "Boo!" *sigh* When will I ever stop falling for his antics??? LOL

Being a military wife can have it's high points. Like when I was Mayor, that was a pretty cool year. Or when I have been coined by a high ranking officer for doing something great *rolls eyes*, things of that nature. Always makes me feel good because there are so many opportunities to be involved. And I have loved that part of being a military wife.

I have to say though, being a military wife and being a Drill Sgt. wife are two totally different things. All of a sudden I find myself in a more delicate position. For those of you who know me well, will probably laugh at this. Me, in a delicate position? No more throwing the kids in the car while still wearing my pajamas to take the girls to school. It really isn't fair. I go to the school and I see all these privates wives taking their one child to school looking like they are going to Prom at 7:45 in the morning. I mean for real ladies, get with the program. Isn't it about comfort????

Ahhh, but life isn't comfortable is it? At least most of the time it doesn't seem that way. I suppose however that if it were, then we'd all be in our pajamas and quite frankly, I'm beginning to think that some of these wives may not even wear pajamas. *shudder*

Also, I have to really be careful what I say and to whom. If I complain about the 6 loads of laundry and 2 weeks of dust sitting in my house, I could be talking to some privates wife who's husband just failed an important inspection because MY husband told him his socks were incorrectly folded. *grin*

Of course Sunnydale is falling over with embarrassment right now, it's all about being real right? Although really, the laundry load is probably more than that and I dusted this past Saturday. LOL

I got some great pics of the kids watering my tree today. I'll post them in a little while. Until then...

Aug 18, 2005

Fit for a King...

We are very proud of our Drill Sgt. Daddy. It's been a long journey to the point of DS land, but well worth the wait....the hat plus the boots adds at least 6 inches to Sun's height. *wink*

This one's for you babe. LOL

Happy Birthday!!

Hailee Erin Johnson
Born to Robert and Jamie Johnson
On: 8/17/05
@ 9:03 P.M.
7 lbs. 3.2 oz.
20 1/2 inches long

Birthed Hailee,Lost Victoria, found the chocolate....

Ok. Where to begin? My best friend Jamie is in labor as we speak up in Redding. So hopefully this time tomorrow I'll have a pic of my sweet little new "niece". Hope everything is going ok, Jamie.

So, today while I was on the phone with Sarah, I noticed that Adrienne was heading up the street with this little girl I had never seen before, Victoria. I called out to her for her to come home. She started to run back so I came in the house to get Abby. A little while later I asked Anna if she had seen Adrienne and of course she said "Am I my sisters keeper?", no seriously she said, no. So I said, be a doll and run outside and see if you can find her. She comes back in and says she can't find her. So I go out there and call her. No Adri. I'm thinking to myself, "self, if you were Adri where would you be". Adri has a tendency to be in a practical place yet still get into trouble.

So I'm calling and calling, no Adri. I start to get worried and I send Anna up the street to look for her. No Adri. The neighbor girl goes to the park, no Adri. I go to the other neighbors, the ones who are always making me feel like a terrible mother( "what do you mean you don't watch your kids play outside, or watch them in the bathroom, what do you mean you don't sleep on your kids floors in case they might fall off the bed and get hurt....those kinds of people) I reluctantly knock on the door and ask "yeah, um, you haven't seen Adri have you" thinking to myself "when I get my hands on her......" Of course they have not seen her, with a look of sheer concern that I have been allowed to breed.

The mother of Victoria comes driving down the street, she asks, have you seen my daughter? I'm like Alfalfa..."the sky opened up and God said, I hate you Christi", I said, no, but I believe she's with mine. Uggg.
She drives off and says if you see her send her home. I'm on the verge of calling the police and this woman is as calm as a pond in summer. I go in the house to get the phone to call the police and I scream for Adrienne one last time. (it hadn't occurred to me that she may be inside the house). I hear this voice say "what?" ADRI!!! "Ma'am?" "GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!" I was so excited to see her that I couldn't be mad at her. I send Victoria outside and her Mother drove back by and got her.

I looked at Adrienne and said I can not believe this! I was going to call the police! She looks up at me confused and replies, Why are you mad at me? I was in my home. What did I do wrong. It was then that I realized that she was correct. No one had called for her inside the house and when I finally did, she answered. *sigh*

I noticed this evening that Victorias Mom was driving around the neighborhood for 15 - 20 minutes. Slowly. Very slowly. Maybe she lost Victoria again. But I checked, and Adrienne was asleep in her bed.

Whew. What a day. I was so proud of myself because I remembered to pick the kids up at 12:55. Seeing as how they are having half days on Wednesdays. I know I will forget them one day. I certainly hope not, but it's a true concern with the brain that I have. *grin*

Well, I definitely think I should go to bed. The little people upstairs will appreciate it I'm sure if I can manage to remember who's lunch to pack in which bag tomorrow morning. Sleep tight!!

Aug 17, 2005

Boys will be boys....

Ahhh, that silly son of mine. I had a meeting to go to tonight at the Chapel and he refused to wear any shoes EXCEPT Adrienne's. So there he is, in his pajamas, clean from his bath with these huge shoes on. I was watching him walk in and I couldn't help but to think to myself "how very him".

Today was a really long day. Tuesdays are long with PWOC in the mornings. Today I didn't get home until almost 1:00. Then by the time I got Sunnydale settled and Abby down it was almost time to go get the girls from school. I was so exhausted today too. Sunnydale was sooooo sweet. He told the kids gently to let me rest. When I heard that in my already semi conscious state, I completely relaxed and slept for almost an hour!

We have PWOC Sunday this sunday. So we're doing a skit and singing a song. Getting up in front of a crowd like that isn't my thing. Sometimes I feel like since it IS Sun's thing, people assume it's mine too, but it isn't. I'm more comfortable in the background...running things. *joking*

So I decided to take out stock in Starbucks. Clearly their caffeine is worthy of my weekly contributions. So why not? What do you think, Sunnydale? *grin*

I suppose I should be logging now. This was a bloggity day for sure because of the PWOC class. Which, by the way, I think it went really well. However, I'll have to write about it more later. Because my eyes are beginning to cross.

So I'm going to bed with the hopes of being more of a Mary and not so much a Martha tomorrow.
night night

Aug 16, 2005

If pictures could talk...

Just a trial run to see if I can actually figure out any of this stuff without destroying important things on this computer. *slight grin*
We had a family pic taken a couple months ago with Sun's brother, Chris, and his wife and child. While we were at it we thought we'd get the kids pic made. Well, Abby wasn't too keen on the idea so she figured best she could do is make it memorable. Just like one of our children. *grin*
I love it though.

Aug 15, 2005

California Dreamin'

Well, it looks like we'll be stationed here for another couple of years. I suppose if you have to be "stuck" anywhere, California isn't so bad. I am sad though that it'll just be that much longer before we are able to head back to the beautiful state of Mississippi. *sigh*
Today was a weird day. Sunnydale is working nights this week, so he's trying to sleep during the day. Ha!! Hard to sleep with kiddies running around playing. Even though Anna and Adrienne are at school, we still have Sunnydale jr. and Abby home.

Sun's Aunt Teka, Uncle Todd and Grandmother came to visit us this past weekend. We had a good time. They bought the girls these red feather boas, you know, the ones that you sling around our neck. WOW! Red feathers ALL over the house. Gotta love it. Good times, good memories. *grin*

Ok so for those of you who haven't been keeping up with us, Sun is a Drill Sgt. now out here in Cali. It's absolutely beautiful where we live. If you look one way we've got mountains and the other way you can see the ocean forever. It's breathtaking.

Anyway, Anna bridged over tonight from Brownies to Jr. Girl Scouts. *cheer* I am so proud of her. She's such a bright and beautiful little girl. She's overcome so much in her small life. I think she's great. It was fun, she got to actually walk over this little bridge and the older girl scouts met her on the other side. The older girls pinned her and she thought that was way cool. I got pics, I'll try to post them soon. I am really quite excited about this year in Girl Scouts. Her troop leader seems really nice and very well organized. I have a feeling it'll be a great year.

Adri is supposed to be going into Brownies, the troop that Anna just came out of. Although I think I'll wait and put her in a different troop. That one was always so unorganized, and the troop leader isn't the nicest person to be around. Not by any fault of her own I suppose, but just that way by nature. Ok, well, I'll logging now.