Aug 18, 2005

Birthed Hailee,Lost Victoria, found the chocolate....

Ok. Where to begin? My best friend Jamie is in labor as we speak up in Redding. So hopefully this time tomorrow I'll have a pic of my sweet little new "niece". Hope everything is going ok, Jamie.

So, today while I was on the phone with Sarah, I noticed that Adrienne was heading up the street with this little girl I had never seen before, Victoria. I called out to her for her to come home. She started to run back so I came in the house to get Abby. A little while later I asked Anna if she had seen Adrienne and of course she said "Am I my sisters keeper?", no seriously she said, no. So I said, be a doll and run outside and see if you can find her. She comes back in and says she can't find her. So I go out there and call her. No Adri. I'm thinking to myself, "self, if you were Adri where would you be". Adri has a tendency to be in a practical place yet still get into trouble.

So I'm calling and calling, no Adri. I start to get worried and I send Anna up the street to look for her. No Adri. The neighbor girl goes to the park, no Adri. I go to the other neighbors, the ones who are always making me feel like a terrible mother( "what do you mean you don't watch your kids play outside, or watch them in the bathroom, what do you mean you don't sleep on your kids floors in case they might fall off the bed and get hurt....those kinds of people) I reluctantly knock on the door and ask "yeah, um, you haven't seen Adri have you" thinking to myself "when I get my hands on her......" Of course they have not seen her, with a look of sheer concern that I have been allowed to breed.

The mother of Victoria comes driving down the street, she asks, have you seen my daughter? I'm like Alfalfa..."the sky opened up and God said, I hate you Christi", I said, no, but I believe she's with mine. Uggg.
She drives off and says if you see her send her home. I'm on the verge of calling the police and this woman is as calm as a pond in summer. I go in the house to get the phone to call the police and I scream for Adrienne one last time. (it hadn't occurred to me that she may be inside the house). I hear this voice say "what?" ADRI!!! "Ma'am?" "GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!" I was so excited to see her that I couldn't be mad at her. I send Victoria outside and her Mother drove back by and got her.

I looked at Adrienne and said I can not believe this! I was going to call the police! She looks up at me confused and replies, Why are you mad at me? I was in my home. What did I do wrong. It was then that I realized that she was correct. No one had called for her inside the house and when I finally did, she answered. *sigh*

I noticed this evening that Victorias Mom was driving around the neighborhood for 15 - 20 minutes. Slowly. Very slowly. Maybe she lost Victoria again. But I checked, and Adrienne was asleep in her bed.

Whew. What a day. I was so proud of myself because I remembered to pick the kids up at 12:55. Seeing as how they are having half days on Wednesdays. I know I will forget them one day. I certainly hope not, but it's a true concern with the brain that I have. *grin*

Well, I definitely think I should go to bed. The little people upstairs will appreciate it I'm sure if I can manage to remember who's lunch to pack in which bag tomorrow morning. Sleep tight!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, the memories such events bring to mind! You wouldn't believe how just like you your children are. I still love you! -- Dad