Aug 20, 2005


When you lay down tonight, will you regret what you didn't do, or celebrate what you did?

Some of you know about my journey down the path of the VW. (for those of you who don't it's the Virtuous Woman, the Prov 31 gal) She and I had a conversation and it went something like this.

Excuse me Mrs. VW, but do you ever get everyone ready and in the truck, or carriage, and set off down the road only to find that your hair is still up in the towel from washing it earlier that morning? And when your children rise and call you blessed, how do you get them down? When you consider a field and buy it do you suggest talking this over with a husband that may not approve of the purchase? When you brought your husband food from afar did you also find a fast acting antacid or medicine for food poisoning? When you kept track of your checkbook, were you ever surprised when your husband expected it to be for the current month?? Were you always dressed like royalty when you went out, I mean, you never wore your pajamas to take the children to school? And Mrs. VW when you spoke with wisdom and faithful instruction, you never experienced athletes mouth? I suspect also that by not eating the bread of idleness that included the sweet rolls? You know Mrs. V, I simply have to turn my "lamp" out at night. I tried leaving it on and my husband couldn't sleep, then I failed 2 verses at once...she brings him good, not harm and her lamp does not go out at night. And once I set about my work vigorously and tore a hole in my daughters jeans pulling them from the washer.

My, oh, my. The intimidation of you. Every day I try in my quest to remember your attributes. It seems that in some way, every day I fail. I provide quite a bit of laughter for myself and others, however, maybe a bit of grief for my husband. He lovingly puts up with me. However maybe that means that the verse that says you laugh at the days to come, I have conquered. I definitely do that.

Mrs. V, I do hope that one day I'll be more like you. So people will see Him, through me. *sigh*
Your loving sister,

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