Sep 28, 2006

Nothing would be normal if plans didn't change *grin*

I'm only going to say ONE thing right now, cause I don't have time to say much else......

It's going to be a long DRIVE home. Yep, drive. Not FLY, but Drive. *sigh*

Sep 27, 2006

"You Picked A Fine Time To Leave Me, Lucille...."

I told Chaplain Minjares the other day, that I thought he should write a song about me and sing it in church this Sunday for my Farewell. He stared at me blankly for half a second and then broke out into...."You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille......". Hahaha

This is one of the busiest times of the year at the Chapel. Everyone gearing up and preparing for all the fall/winter programs. Those take months to plan. And I'm leaving.

Tonight was the last night I will have any actual work to do. Tomorrow, Friday and Saturday I will spend cleaning out my office and tying up any last minute loose ends. Today, I finished typing up the inventory of my supply closet and the books, curriculum, CD's, DVD's and cassette tapes that are in my office. 6 long pages of detailed inventory. But it is done. I turned it in and went back to my office to have a look around. Making my list for what needs to be done tomorrow. I don't know who will be sitting at that desk next week. I have no idea what God has in plan for the Chapel here. I do hope that whoever it is and whatever their task, they fulfill it joyfully in the Lord. I hope that when they are faced with difficult tasks, or difficult people, they shine brighter than when things are running smoothly.

I'm proud of my accomplishments here. I'm proud of myself for finishing the task. For persevering even when my faith was stomped on, when my integrity was tested and when I very simply felt like I couldn't do it any more.

I have something, now, that is worth more than money can buy. It is more precious than the most precious gold or diamonds.

I've a new Girdle of Truth. And I'm wearing it proudly.

Yes, Girdle of Truth. You know, part of the Armor of God.

First mentioned because it denotes preparation for battle.....and holds together the other pieces of armor. Girdle of Truth is strength of our confidence....1 Cor. 16:13, Eph 4:14-15, 1 Sam 17:48. According to Mr. James Davis, it is sincerity in the innermost being, he describes scriptures 1 Cor. 5:8, Psa 51:6.

It's the girdle of truth because that's what I've found over the last year. A person inside of me that is slowly coming out of her shell. Probably more so to the people around her than to the people she loves, yet that is a feat that will be conquered also.

I'm realizing that I have a potential to be something bigger than I've ever dreamed. Because to me, God, Jesus, being a Christian was just a bottled up package that I bought.

Not anymore. It's my faith. It's who I am. It's why I'm alive.

We use to sing this song in's my Mom's favorite...(rolls eyes), Called Tempted and Tried....I know the words by heart...that's scary...LOL

Tempted and tried we're oft made to wander, Why should it be such all the day long? While there are others living around us, never molested,
though in the wrong. Farther along, weÂ’ll know all about it farther along, weÂ’ll understand why cheer up my brother walk in the sunshine weÂ’ll understand it all by and by.

I may hate the song and it's oh so slow......... drawn..........

But I think the lyrics truly are correct. I do understand more this year than I did last year. I have a better understanding of my faith and why I believe things the way I do. I can say that I know my Father. And I know why he loves me. I can't wait to see how much more I'll understand next year and the year after that and the year after that.

Ok. Well, I'm exhausted. And I'm still in pain. So I'm going to bed.

Did I mention that I fractured my knee cap? It happened Wednesday, but I didn't go to the Dr. until Friday. So now I have to wear this brace with a steel bar on both sides of my leg and another steel bar that runs down the back. Hopefully this won't hinder our plane ride too much.*laughing* This will be one for the books!!


Sep 26, 2006

Dear Dad

Subject: Why parents have grey hair!!!

A father passing by his son's bedroom was astonished to see the bed nicely made up and everything neat and tidy.

Then he saw an envelope propped up prominently on the pillow.

It was addressed, "Dad"

With the worst premonition, he opened the envelope and read the letter with trembling hands:

Dear Dad, It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm writing you. I had to elope with my new girlfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene with you and Mom.

I've been finding real passion with Joan and she is so nice. I knew you would not approve of her because of all her piercing, tattoos, and her tight motorcycle clothes and because she is so much older than I am but it's not only the passion, Dad, she's pregnant.

Joan says that we are going to be very happy. She owns a trailer in the woods and has a stack of firewood, enough for the whole winter. We share a dream of having many more children.

Joan has opened my eyes to the fact that marijuana doesn't really hurt anyone. We'll be growing it and trading it with the other people in the commune for all the cocaine and ecstasy we want.

In the meantime, we'll pray that science will find a cure for AIDS so Joan can get better; she sure deserves it!

Don't worry Dad, I'm 15 years old now and I know how to take care of myself.
Someday, I'm sure we'll be back to visit so you can get to know your grandchildren.

Your son, Chad

P.S. Dad, none of the above is true. I'm over at Tommy's house. I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than the report card that's in my desk drawer.

I love you! Call when it is safe for me to come home

Sep 25, 2006

Life runs, I walk.

Well, this is Sunday night. Tomorrow we close on our first home and become official home owners. *cheer*
Please pray that this goes ok. If you're reading this and it's Monday, just take a second and say a prayer for our family. Today marks the beginning of a completely new life. A beginning as an "on the way to becoming a civilian family". Being home owners is a task that I'm certain we're ready for. It's exciting, to know that I no longer have to hang pictures, decorative tile, or anything else for that matter, with Velcro. (You can decorate almost your entire home with Velcro. You would be amazed at what that stuff can hold.....) Still, until tomorrow is over, I'm going to slightly hold my breath. It ain't over till it's over. *grin*

On that note, I can tell you that I'm ready to move. Not anxious, just ready. I'm past the point of making lists ( I live for lists ), of all the things I need to do before the movers come. I am, however, at the point of throwing away everything and starting over with all new stuff. *just kiddin*

This will mark our 14th move. Let me tell you, I have learned that it is ALL about the UNpacking. Get all the clutter put away, anything that is trash thrown away. Anything that can not be moved (liquids, cleaners, garage stuff...oil...soap, perishable items....the likes) should be giv en away to some grateful person. Then, you should organize all the books in the house into one location. This makes un packing so much easier. If you know it's books, you can unpack it last. All toys should be moved to one location, all clothes should be in the proper drawers in the proper rooms, all jewelry should be placed together, all telephones and cords should be together, all computers should be in one get the idea?

I've unpacked boxes before where they packed, shoes, clothes and papers together in one box. They will put anything together just to fill a box. Dumping out every drawer in your entire house will give you an idea how how much of a clutterbug you are, but it will also allow you to get rid of the unnecessary items and keep the important ones.

So many people think that if you clean a room and leave it the way it usually is, they will come in, pack it up and you can unpack it the same exact way. Not true. Most likely, the layout of the rooms where you live and where you are going are not going to be the same. Also, you would be surprised how much the movers can tear your house apart while packing. You think it's really clean until they start unloading drawers and dumping out the items in your desk and bathroom cabinets. Not to mention your storage room and garage.

I have a system though. And I like it.

I walk around and mark each and every box they pack, as they pack it, with priority numbers. An open me first box, will have clean towels, linens and toilet paper. It will also have the telephones and their cords, a skillet, 2 pots, paper plates, plastic cups and disposable silverware. For this move, I will include a package of batteries, the new magic erasers by Mr. Clean and a COPY of the kids health and school records, just in case something should happen to the ones on the plane.

Then, I go around and mark the priority of the rest of the boxes. The idea, is to get the number of boxes down to a minimum. We have a ton of furniture. So hopefully, most of the boxes will hold the kitchenware, clothes, book, toys etc. The goal is to NOT have to open a box at the new house and say "oh good grief, this is junk". *grin*

The other goal, is to be able to immediately direct all boxes that can go straight to storage, to storage. And be able to focus on the boxes that contain the things we use on a regular basis.

That's my theory on packing down and unpacking a house. *smile*

Sep 22, 2006

Mom owes me money

Isn't this picture the cutest??? I'm telling you, this little boy brings so much joy into our lives on a daily basis. All our kids do, but he's the only boy, so I think all of us girls give him extra attention. Anna and Adrienne are always asking him to sit with them, or asking him if they can read to him, or just doting on him, getting him snacks and juice when he asks. And Abby copies everything he does, making him pay more attention to the things he does, just to see if she'll do it. *smile* That can get crazy! He is such a sweetie and we all enjoy his presence in our lives. I can't wait to see what kind of man he grows up to be.

Ok, here's a funny for today....

Tonight, I was in the kitchen and Anna walked in holding a small brown envelope. She says..."Ahem, look what I found".

The envelope says "Anna's tooth". It's an old envelope.

She eyes me curiously "Do you know what this means?" she asks.

"what" I reply

She smiles and gives me a knowing look. She found the envelope in a dresser drawer.

Somewhere deep down, I knew I shouldn't have put it there.

I tell her, "you know what it tells me? It tells me that the Tooth Fairy never came for it. If I were you I'd put it under your pillow."

Then I smile at her.

Without batting an eye she replies "Yeah, Mom, that's what I'll do, then maybe the Tooth Fairy will leave the $23.00 she owes me" She laughs and winks at me. I wink back.

I love this kid!

Sep 12, 2006

Anna's Story

Here is the story that Anna wrote today for her homework.......She is quite the budding writer!

"The Note"
By Anna Hyde

"You all get detention!" Miss B. said. This wouldn't have happened if, wait, let me tell it from the beginning.

It all started on the 100th day of school. "Miss B. is always giving us F's. It's not fair!" Jack said. "Well, not all of us, only kids like you, who like flunking." Amy insisted. Amy's the kid in the group who'a always saying stuff like "technically" and things like that. "Listen guys, there are only 3 of us. I think the other 22 are just fine with Miss B." I said. I'm kinda like Amy, pointing out the obvious.

We were heading to school. When we got there the bell had just rung. So, again, we were five minutes late. "OK, class, time to hand out the answer tests!" Miss B. was explaining. I saw Jack writing a note. He handed it to Amy. After she read it she gave it to me. It said, "Here we go again, F, F F's!". I saw Miss B. heading toward us. I quickly put it in my desk.

Miss B. handed Amy her test. "Yes!" I gave her a look. She had a happy look on her face. Then Miss B. gave Jack his test. He said " I told you so!" He got a F. Miss B. then stopped at me. She said "Wow". Noting else just "Wow". Slowly I opened my sheet. I got an A!!!

I started to get one of my papers out of my desk. Then as I began to write I noticed that it looked different. I continues to write. I realized that once I thought of what I wanted to write, it was already on the paper. So I gave it to Amy and shrugged. She knew something was wrong. She opened the paper, and it read "No, here we go again...A, A, A's". Jack read it too and they both realized the difference. Jack started to pass it back.

Miss B. said, "Stop passing notes!" She started to take it from him. Then she said "You all get detention!". She opened the note and just stared at it. She saw a difference also. She sat down at her desk and started to think of something then stopped. It was already written on the paper! Then she saw a symbol at the top of the paper.

Instantly she said "Class, go out to early recess!". Everyone cheered. She called me, Amy and Jack up to her desk. "Where did you get this paper?" she asked. I said, "It was in my desk". Then she told us that it was worth 1 million dollars!!! She told us that we don't have any more detention but that she has to keep the paper. We groaned but we also knew that she was right to keep it. From then on we never wrote another note again. (We kept the paper to ourselves just in case).

The End

Sep 11, 2006

September 11th, 2006

Well, tonight I remember 5 years ago. I had an in home daycare. Adrienne was 2. Anna was 5. Sunnydale was gone. Detached to "group". He was supposed to be gone on a 63 day mission.

270 days went by.

My heart broke every time the phone rang and it wasn't him.

My heart broke every time I left the house only to come home to a message he left on the machine.

That was the worst.

I can still feel the pain in the disappointment that I had left the house and missed his call.

Then I got a cell phone. And got word to him to call that number. ;)

I rarely missed a call after that.

But the calls came less and less.

Weeks would go by.

I would stay up half the night watching the news. Flipping back and forth from one channel to the next.

I took a few minutes tonight to allow the girls to watch a couple of the Memorial videos online.

Anna remembers.

Adrienne does not.

Adrienne had a lot of questions.

Anna answered a lot of questions.

They both got an eye opening view of their Dad and what he's done for them and for our country.

I'll never forget that day.

Sep 9, 2006

Mandatory Reading

God placed a book in my lap and said, "read this".

I did.

I cried.

My heart opened in ways it never has before.

A wall came down.

I cried some more.

I prayed.

I listened.

I heard.

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers a Christian Novel