Sep 12, 2006

Anna's Story

Here is the story that Anna wrote today for her homework.......She is quite the budding writer!

"The Note"
By Anna Hyde

"You all get detention!" Miss B. said. This wouldn't have happened if, wait, let me tell it from the beginning.

It all started on the 100th day of school. "Miss B. is always giving us F's. It's not fair!" Jack said. "Well, not all of us, only kids like you, who like flunking." Amy insisted. Amy's the kid in the group who'a always saying stuff like "technically" and things like that. "Listen guys, there are only 3 of us. I think the other 22 are just fine with Miss B." I said. I'm kinda like Amy, pointing out the obvious.

We were heading to school. When we got there the bell had just rung. So, again, we were five minutes late. "OK, class, time to hand out the answer tests!" Miss B. was explaining. I saw Jack writing a note. He handed it to Amy. After she read it she gave it to me. It said, "Here we go again, F, F F's!". I saw Miss B. heading toward us. I quickly put it in my desk.

Miss B. handed Amy her test. "Yes!" I gave her a look. She had a happy look on her face. Then Miss B. gave Jack his test. He said " I told you so!" He got a F. Miss B. then stopped at me. She said "Wow". Noting else just "Wow". Slowly I opened my sheet. I got an A!!!

I started to get one of my papers out of my desk. Then as I began to write I noticed that it looked different. I continues to write. I realized that once I thought of what I wanted to write, it was already on the paper. So I gave it to Amy and shrugged. She knew something was wrong. She opened the paper, and it read "No, here we go again...A, A, A's". Jack read it too and they both realized the difference. Jack started to pass it back.

Miss B. said, "Stop passing notes!" She started to take it from him. Then she said "You all get detention!". She opened the note and just stared at it. She saw a difference also. She sat down at her desk and started to think of something then stopped. It was already written on the paper! Then she saw a symbol at the top of the paper.

Instantly she said "Class, go out to early recess!". Everyone cheered. She called me, Amy and Jack up to her desk. "Where did you get this paper?" she asked. I said, "It was in my desk". Then she told us that it was worth 1 million dollars!!! She told us that we don't have any more detention but that she has to keep the paper. We groaned but we also knew that she was right to keep it. From then on we never wrote another note again. (We kept the paper to ourselves just in case).

The End

1 comment:

Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

Thank you for sharing with us Anna's story. I've been enriched and moved.

Bobby Valentine