Sep 27, 2006

"You Picked A Fine Time To Leave Me, Lucille...."

I told Chaplain Minjares the other day, that I thought he should write a song about me and sing it in church this Sunday for my Farewell. He stared at me blankly for half a second and then broke out into...."You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille......". Hahaha

This is one of the busiest times of the year at the Chapel. Everyone gearing up and preparing for all the fall/winter programs. Those take months to plan. And I'm leaving.

Tonight was the last night I will have any actual work to do. Tomorrow, Friday and Saturday I will spend cleaning out my office and tying up any last minute loose ends. Today, I finished typing up the inventory of my supply closet and the books, curriculum, CD's, DVD's and cassette tapes that are in my office. 6 long pages of detailed inventory. But it is done. I turned it in and went back to my office to have a look around. Making my list for what needs to be done tomorrow. I don't know who will be sitting at that desk next week. I have no idea what God has in plan for the Chapel here. I do hope that whoever it is and whatever their task, they fulfill it joyfully in the Lord. I hope that when they are faced with difficult tasks, or difficult people, they shine brighter than when things are running smoothly.

I'm proud of my accomplishments here. I'm proud of myself for finishing the task. For persevering even when my faith was stomped on, when my integrity was tested and when I very simply felt like I couldn't do it any more.

I have something, now, that is worth more than money can buy. It is more precious than the most precious gold or diamonds.

I've a new Girdle of Truth. And I'm wearing it proudly.

Yes, Girdle of Truth. You know, part of the Armor of God.

First mentioned because it denotes preparation for battle.....and holds together the other pieces of armor. Girdle of Truth is strength of our confidence....1 Cor. 16:13, Eph 4:14-15, 1 Sam 17:48. According to Mr. James Davis, it is sincerity in the innermost being, he describes scriptures 1 Cor. 5:8, Psa 51:6.

It's the girdle of truth because that's what I've found over the last year. A person inside of me that is slowly coming out of her shell. Probably more so to the people around her than to the people she loves, yet that is a feat that will be conquered also.

I'm realizing that I have a potential to be something bigger than I've ever dreamed. Because to me, God, Jesus, being a Christian was just a bottled up package that I bought.

Not anymore. It's my faith. It's who I am. It's why I'm alive.

We use to sing this song in's my Mom's favorite...(rolls eyes), Called Tempted and Tried....I know the words by heart...that's scary...LOL

Tempted and tried we're oft made to wander, Why should it be such all the day long? While there are others living around us, never molested,
though in the wrong. Farther along, weÂ’ll know all about it farther along, weÂ’ll understand why cheer up my brother walk in the sunshine weÂ’ll understand it all by and by.

I may hate the song and it's oh so slow......... drawn..........

But I think the lyrics truly are correct. I do understand more this year than I did last year. I have a better understanding of my faith and why I believe things the way I do. I can say that I know my Father. And I know why he loves me. I can't wait to see how much more I'll understand next year and the year after that and the year after that.

Ok. Well, I'm exhausted. And I'm still in pain. So I'm going to bed.

Did I mention that I fractured my knee cap? It happened Wednesday, but I didn't go to the Dr. until Friday. So now I have to wear this brace with a steel bar on both sides of my leg and another steel bar that runs down the back. Hopefully this won't hinder our plane ride too much.*laughing* This will be one for the books!!


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