Sep 22, 2006

Mom owes me money

Isn't this picture the cutest??? I'm telling you, this little boy brings so much joy into our lives on a daily basis. All our kids do, but he's the only boy, so I think all of us girls give him extra attention. Anna and Adrienne are always asking him to sit with them, or asking him if they can read to him, or just doting on him, getting him snacks and juice when he asks. And Abby copies everything he does, making him pay more attention to the things he does, just to see if she'll do it. *smile* That can get crazy! He is such a sweetie and we all enjoy his presence in our lives. I can't wait to see what kind of man he grows up to be.

Ok, here's a funny for today....

Tonight, I was in the kitchen and Anna walked in holding a small brown envelope. She says..."Ahem, look what I found".

The envelope says "Anna's tooth". It's an old envelope.

She eyes me curiously "Do you know what this means?" she asks.

"what" I reply

She smiles and gives me a knowing look. She found the envelope in a dresser drawer.

Somewhere deep down, I knew I shouldn't have put it there.

I tell her, "you know what it tells me? It tells me that the Tooth Fairy never came for it. If I were you I'd put it under your pillow."

Then I smile at her.

Without batting an eye she replies "Yeah, Mom, that's what I'll do, then maybe the Tooth Fairy will leave the $23.00 she owes me" She laughs and winks at me. I wink back.

I love this kid!

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