Ok, here's a funny for today....
Tonight, I was in the kitchen and Anna walked in holding a small brown envelope. She says..."Ahem, look what I found".
The envelope says "Anna's tooth". It's an old envelope.
She eyes me curiously "Do you know what this means?" she asks.
"what" I reply
She smiles and gives me a knowing look. She found the envelope in a dresser drawer.
Somewhere deep down, I knew I shouldn't have put it there.
I tell her, "you know what it tells me? It tells me that the Tooth Fairy never came for it. If I were you I'd put it under your pillow."
Then I smile at her.
Without batting an eye she replies "Yeah, Mom, that's what I'll do, then maybe the Tooth Fairy will leave the $23.00 she owes me" She laughs and winks at me. I wink back.
I love this kid!
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