Aug 14, 2006

I should have known.....

I should have known by the way my day started that I was probably supposed to stay home today.

After I got the key situation taken care of, I got some housework done, got the girls up and off to school and then was on my way to daycare when.......

I caught a glimpse of a little boy, too little to be in school, walking down the road. I stopped the truck, threw it in reverse and backed up just to see if it really was a little boy....alone. I waited a minute or two (felt like 10) to see if his Mom or Dad came around.....still....quiet......he was alone.

I turned the truck around and drove down his street. When I arrived where he was, I immediately noticed that he was bawling. Not crying. BAWLING. His little face was all red splotched, you could tell he had been crying for a while. I turned my hazard lights on and got out of the truck. I asked him if he was ok and if he knew where his Mommy was. All he said was "My Dad's gone" over and over. He was maybe 4 years old...maybe.

So I looked around wondering what to do, I knew I couldn't put him in my truck so, off I went to the house where I had pulled over. I started to knock and saw it was cracked open. Then I thought, yeah, I bet he lives here. Nope. He didn't. Real nice lady answered though. She was just as upset as I was at the sight of him. He was that upset. Lost. Totally lost.

I asked her if she knew him and she said no then I said "I think you need to call the Police". She said ok and went back inside. I sat with him outside. When she came back outside after calling the Police, She held him while I pulled my truck into her driveway.

Then we noticed a man walking up the street. He was walking casually, not in a hurry. And when he reached her yard, she said to him "We found another one".....I was like huh? She explained that her own son had escaped her yard the other day while she was doing dishes.

So the man walks up and is talking to us he asked me where I found him and I explained what happened. Then AFTER THAT, he reaches out for the boy and takes him. It was HIS kid!!! And he didn't even say anything when he came up! The lady looks at him and said "oh! He's yours?"

The guy said yes and that was that. I couldn't believe it. The guy had left the kid home alone while he took the others to school. Sheesh.

I told him NOTHING was worth leaving him alone. Totally alone and asleep. Anything could have happened. Wow.

So the police came and took my statement and got the guys info and all of that but I have no idea what will happen to him, if he'll get into any trouble for leaving the kid alone. Probably just a good scare. Sometimes that's all that's needed is one good scare and then it never happens again.

What a day.

It isn't over yet. I'm going to hide.....


believingthomas said...

hey, just catching up. Guess who called our house last night?

Christi Dobson said...

Wow! That is really cool. I love Sara Groves. She's very inspiring. Wish we could have been there!!