Aug 21, 2006

You will NOT believe this!!!!!!

I am absolutely stunned at Adrienne. She cracks me up all the time, but this one hits #1 on her chart of hilarious things.....

I was looking through Adri's backpack this afternoon and came across a worksheet of math problems. Now, for those of you who don't know, Adri is in the 1st grade. She is repeating the first grade because her reading skills were not 2nd grade level, so we decided to allow her to repeat 1st. She started school when she was 4 so this is actually better because now she's with other 6 year olds.

Anyway, this math sheet had the basic of all basic math problems. For example....2+1=
So I noticed out of the 20 something problems, you could see where the teacher marked 16 of them WRONG. Ok, well, my first reaction was....ummm....what??? At the end of the year last year she was doing double digit addition, what's the deal?

So I brought her in here to talk to me about this without any of the other kids around. We sat down and I asked her about the worksheet. I told her that I need to know what's going on because I know she can do this math. This is the EASY math!

She put her hands on her face and said through her hands..."Mom, you're all mad at me and you don't get it......"

"Then please explain it to me, Adri"

She sat up in her chair looked me straight in the eye and said...

"Mom, if I do them all wrong the first time, then my teacher will have me erase them and I get to do them again"


She is doing them wrong on purpose because she likes math! She gets them wrong, then she gets to sit there and do it again.

That's hilarious. But clearly the wrong way to go about schoolwork.

Ok, so it's obvious she needs to be doing math that challenges her and this isn't it. I told her that tomorrow, if she'll get them all correct, then I'll tell her teacher that she has to give her extra worksheets to do. She said "You can do that?"

Ummm, yes. LOL

I suppose if you're going to have a problem at school, this is the one to have.


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