Apr 2, 2006

Half Geek Half Bully

Broke a nail tonight. I hate it when that happens. That means I have to go back tomorrow and get them redone. *sigh...rolls eyes*

I don't have time this week for girlie froo froo stuff. It's back to reality as it stands. I drank coffee this weekend and thought of someone when I did. I won't mention names but she knows who she is. Just couldn't quite enjoy it the same way......it was either guilt or not starbucks....*sigh* Although I did get the pick me up I was looking for. Which leads me to send you back to the post about being a coffeeholic.

I got absolutely nothing accomplished today. At least nothing in the way of laundry. Which is what I'll be up for the next 4 hours doing. But hey, if we can't admit our weaknesses then what good are we really? I figure the fact that I KNOW who I am and can admit it is a major plus.

If the first step is admittance then I've only got 11 steps left right?

Might I add that this past week was enlightening on several different levels. All of which are not related but encompass some disturbing similarities. Well, I don't know if disturbing is the right word.....

Remember a few months back when I was so irritated by the women around me? (November blog) I think I figured it out this week. I can't say here, for the obvious reasons (hello friends!), but I think some of it is that I respect people who carry and execute their own opinions. People who say "Oh! Well, no actually, I think spinach is disgusting but if you enjoy it, more power to ya."
Rather than those who follow every word you say with an.."oh yeah I like that too"...or... People who change their opinion once they've heard yours. *rolls eyes* That just eats at me. Come on! If you agree, agree, if you don't say so. I'm so sick of people who want to be liked so badly that you can't even hold a conversation with them.... because you never know what their opinion really is.

I think I've lost a daily dosage of brain cells over this since October. *rolls eyes and grins*

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