Mar 21, 2006

My name is Christi and I'm a coffeeholic.....

Ok, I'm suffering Post traumatic stress from trying to kick my coffee habit. See here's the problem, if I were on crack, I could check myself into a center and be helped by professionals. If I were an alcoholic, same deal. But because I'm on coffee ( you can not crush up those beans and sniff them nor can you heat and inject and absolutely can't...well...nevermind...) there are no real professional places of healing to check myself into for a coffee addiction. It's a pathetic addiction if you ask me, one that everyone should ignore. ;) Ask, Sarah, I have become slightly delirious.

I think I've decided that I should open up a B&B for recovering coffeeholics.
And I've realized that NOTHING can actually take the place of coffee. You just have to get over it. *sigh*

I'm not sure I'm completely ready to kick my habit. (does that make me an official 'holic?)

So anyhoo, I'm 30 now. I had a b'day a couple weeks ago. I don't feel 30. And I know I don't look 30. Seriously, I took one of the teens from church to school the other day and the teacher out front said..."you guys need to get in the hall quickly, you've got 2 minutes before you're late". She was looking right at me.

I stood there and looked at her a second before I pointed to myself and said "thirty" then pointed to the girl I was with and said "15". We had a good laugh and I left. Ahhh, nothing will ever replace that memory! *grin*

I had wrapped my hair in a scarf that day too, I swear I look older when I do that. *rolls eyes*

Oh well. I'm 30 and I'm loving it. Can't wait to be 40!!! I know, I'm nuts. But it would be a boring world if we all sat around complaining about the same things. *wink*

Mar 3, 2006


YES! It is 2:30 a.m. and I;m awake because we are having a thunderstorm. So what??? Well....

Our two youngest children and our dog have never heard a thunderstorm! In fact, in the three years we've lived here it hasn't rained this hard much less, EVER, have we heard thunder or seen lightening! *sigh, missing home*

It's been nice to listen to the rain. Although I have yet to get any sleep. Fortunately we went to bed early tonight (got to bed at 10 pm!) so at 12:30 after Sunnydale had already gotten up with Abby twice, I got up and have been up ever since. Once I finally got her to sleep, my little man woke up. He was sitting up in his bed crying for me. I crawled up in his bed with him and he said "I can not get to sleep!". However, his eyes were closed and I doubt he was truly awake. *grin* He's such a cutie! So now he's finally asleep. I came downstairs and decided to blog.

I'm sitting here and I look out the window where it's pouring rain and the lawn sprinklers just came on. What a funny sight! I don't know anyone in there right mind who would go out in the freezing cold, pouring rain at what is now 2:45 a.m. to turn off their lawn sprinklers, so don't look at me! *smile*

Okay, off to bed again. Wish me luck this time. :)

P.S. I'm just going to say this because it's about time and it's my blog so I can say whatever I want, right?

Chris, we're so proud of you!! You've been working on this degree for the better part of 9 years! So so so many obstacles have been put in front of you. Mostly by people you love, a lot by the military and you have jumped each hurdle with amazing height. What sincere dedication and loyalty you have shown. Don't worry about the future for the future will take care of itself. Take care of today! Don't allow the insignificant to become significant. (read what you want into that)
*laughing* We love you. Thanks so much for that precious wife of yours. Make sure you keep her!!! *grin* Although it wouldn't hurt to bring your family closer to ours!!! Congratulations!!!

Mar 1, 2006

Rainy Day in Paradise.....what??

A lot of people call Monterey, Paradise. I'm not sure I'd agree. Although it is beautiful here! It's been quite a long weekend for us. Anna's birthday was Saturday. She had a huge party and word around the school is that she's got the coolest Dad ever. 'Cause he throws the coolest parties ever. *huge grin* Then on Sunday, Anna came home after church with the stomach flu, it soon spread through all of us, with the exception of Abby. Thank goodness. But the rest of us had it. YUCK!! Let's just say it was an awful time of it, and we all hope it never happens again.

We're all feeling better though. Now I'm just trying to get the house clean and all the linen washed from the yucky germs. If only I was a clone, then I could stay home and clean and go to work too!! *sigh*

Anna is so excited about being 10. In the military world it's a big deal to be 10. You get your military ID when you turn 10. So now she can go shopping in the PX and Commissary with her ID card. *smile* She's so sweet about it all. "Mom, now you can wait in the car and I can go get your groceries". Boy, do I wish!

Ok, well I'm off to change the sheets on the bed so we can go to sleep. *cheer*