Dec 19, 2005

Wal-Mart doesn't sell brains - but you may be able to get one on sale at Target....

Now that I've freaked you all out over my last blog, finally I'm back on the "net". Well...somewhat. My *stupid* computer crashed I'm typing this at work.

How is work going? You ask? *grin* Well, much better, I'm sure. I'll fill you in more when my brain gets back from vacationing in the Bahamas. *rolls eyes* But it is a lot better, I can say that!

We are getting ready for Christmas. Sure is a lot more to do with 4 kids. More things to buy, more things to wrap and if you really want to get technical... Normally I may wrap 4 presents for each child. Using about 6 pieces of tape per present. The first year I used 24 pieces of tape. I've worked my way up to 96!!! *laughing*

I know, I one thinks of things like that except for me. But that's why this is my blog and I can be weird on it because this is a preview of what goes on inside my head. *scary*

Ok, hopefully I'll get my computer fixed and I'll be back on every day again soon.

Merry Christmas!

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