Dec 29, 2005

Christmas with the Hyde's

So, I think we agreed that next year, we’ll skip Christmas. Maybe take a cruise or something. That sounds like fun. We did have a great Christmas at home, but it seems that the little people are all sick. So it has been a very quiet holiday this year.

I have been very proud of myself lately, awarding myself little “mother of the year” awards occasionally. For doing things out of the norm for me, like cleaning up more vomit than those Dr.’s on “ER” have EVER seen. *rolls eyes* Anyhoo, my “Mother of the Year” awards have been revoked as of last night. In fact, I think I’ve also been added to the non-eligible list for the award.

We were sitting there watching Gilmore Girls last night and the phone rang. It was my Mom. She asked me how Anna was feeling and we talked for a little while about that. Then she asked how Abby’s day went. I was slightly confused it was a weird question. So I said “her day went…fine…why?”…..then it came. The words every parent never wants to hear….

“Isn’t today her birthday????”. WHAT?? Holy Cow. It IS her birthday!!! We totally missed Abby’s first birthday. Does that tell you how crazy our lives have been lately? Wow. I am just reeling from that. I feel awful, but at the same time, it’s pretty funny. It’s the 4th child syndrome, just starting a little early. *sigh*

So anyway, we’re going to start celebrating her half birthday. So mark your calendars….. June 27th, we’ll celebrate Abby’s birthday (half)……hahaha

So the holidays are almost over and I am beginning to see how the year goes by much faster the older you get. At work, I’ve already got my schedule prepared for all of my teachers through the month of April. Wow, then we begin to prepare for VBS. Actually I’ll start that sometime in March.

Did I mention that I got a Dyson for Christmas? Look it up. I LOVE IT!! Also, that wonderful hubby of mine picked out Christmas China for us. I got that sweet thermos from Starbucks that I’ve had my eye on for months, hmmm, what else? A turtle. Yes, he bought me a real turtle. I collect turtles, you know the little bitty ones,. Tell me, if you collected elephants, little ones to sit on a shelf, and someone bought you a real one would you feel the same way about it? Hahaha! Just kiddin, I think it was sweet. And she really is a beautiful turtle. *wink*

Hope everyone has a wonderful New Year. Isn't this the time of year when all the overweight people in the world vow to lose weight, all the drowning in debt people vow to get out of debt, all the smokers vow to quit smoking, drinkers vow to quit drinking and loners vow to spend more time with family. LOL I think that's probably the top 5.

Let's see, what's my New Year's Resolution this year???
I'll let you know what it is after the 1st.

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