Dec 3, 2005

Christmas plays, bad Wednesdays, lessons learned, sad Christmas trees and white elephant gifts...*sigh*

Allow me to submit a small disclaimer for this post. A sort reminder....

This blog's sole purpose is for my own entertainment. This blog is my own personal journal that some are invited to read and others are not. If you happen upon it and enjoy it, then great, if not, feel free to move on. If you know me and read something on here that could possibly offend you then let me remind you where the delete button is.

I know to most, that may sound harsh. But I feel the need to remind some, that we are all different. We all express emotions differently - and that's ok. We all think differently - shoot, we eat differently, we cook differently, we bathe differently, drive, shop, type, parent, lead, follow, sing, write, clean, walk, dress, run, talk - it's even possible that we hear differently *rolls eyes*

I just want to say that I invite you to read my blog to see things how I see them. I'm not perfect, no one is. It's just me, being me.

I know, I're still trying to recover from the title to this post. And to think that I couldn't fit it all in either. I had to leave out some things. *rolls eyes*

I do think that this past week could definitely go down in my book of most memorable weeks ever. However it lost it's place to fit into the most "happy" memories slot. But found a nice empty page to fill in the "worst moment of my life" page.

Seriously though, I could have done without this past Wednesday. I could probably live the rest of my life happily if I never have to work with another Chaplain in my entire life. But then....That wouldn't be any fun would it?

And then there is the part of me that does know that all Chaplains are not the same. Just like the rest of us "lay people".

So since I can't really go into everything on my blog, let me just say that someone I work with hurt my feelings very badly this week and it may take me some time to recover.
I still consider myself to be quite new to the ministry field. Sunnydale was a youth minister way back when, but I wasn't really a part of the ministry then. However, I do think I am a part of it now.

But being a part of the ministry and working in a military chapel, I think, can be two very different things. Probably depends on the Chaplain you're working for. I am the Director of Religious Education for our military Chapel. This has been quite a learning experience for me.
I wonder a lot about things I didn't give much thought to before. About how Jesus felt about things. Administratively. Or did he, even give much thought to such petty things.

I can't help but to wonder if he met someone who was profound in their own way, someone that isn't mentioned in the Bible. Maybe he dropped something and they picked it up for Him. A common courtesy, right? What does it feel like to be perfect. And to know you're perfect? What does it feel like to know that no matter what you say, how you say it or whatever, people are going to flock by the thousands to hear it.

I wish I had people flocking to hear anything I had to say. The only thing people flock to me for are favors. Well, at least that's how it feels sometimes. I know that's not how it is in reality. But in the Christi bubble that I live in, that's how it seems.

Well, I'm off to bed, so I can get up in the morning and pray that by some miracle of God I can manage to pull off a decent Children's Christmas Play tomorrow evening. That way on Monday morning I can wake up feeling some sense of fulfillment. *choke choke*


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