Nov 19, 2005

What is that smell???

In our home, I am often accused of smelling things that aren't there. At least, no one else smells it, so it must just be me. *rolls eyes* Well, today Sunnydale was in the garage getting ready for band practice and he pokes his head in and says, "Christi, come here, I need your nose". I went out there and he was sitting on one of the loveseats looking all around. "Do you smell that", he asked. "No, I don't smell anything", I replied. "sit here", he says So I sit down and proceed to smell everything, the loveseat, the floor, all over. Nothing. I don't smell anything. Hmmm.
Well all he knows is that he smells it and it smells like urine. I definitely didn't smell that.

A little while later he walks over to me in the garage and gives me a big hug. Then he takes his hat off his head and puts it on my head and I yelped. "It's the HAT!!", I said. He took the hat and smelled it and was like EWWWW! It was the hat. Somehow HIS (let me emphasize his) dog, Chester, had apparently relieved himself on the hat. Now, how the hat came to be on the floor or where and when this happened no one knows. I know that somewhere in my soul, there is a tiny bit of love for the dog...Somewhere. But he'll never know about it. *sigh*

Ok, I'm logging now. Hopefully this weekend will go smoothly without any more kinks thrown into it. By the way, our computer crashed a few weeks ago and now that we have it fixed and I'm back online, we realized that we lost ALL the pictures that we ever had on the computer from Abby's birth on, so if any of you have any please email them to me. That would be great!

1 comment:

believingthomas said...

Pee head... a new nickname.
