Nov 17, 2010

It's that time of year

I love love love this time of year! There is just so much joy in the air and it adds to the pleasant aroma of the season. *smiles* Craft time with the kids is in abundance during the holiday season as well....and maybe that has something to do with why I love it so much. Over the last 14 years of being a mother to some incredibly awesome kids we have made some pretty neat stuff. And some of it, I duplicate every Thanksgiving place mats. I like to think that because I have six kids, if they make a place mat every year then when everyone is grown and have families of their own there will be enough place mats for everyone! *huge grin*

Nostalgia is never in short supply this time of year either. I think it's so important that we remember where we've been. It's the path we've walked that makes us who we are. Every single person on this earth has their own story from the adventures found on their path. Everyone has something worthwhile to bring to the table. I guess all of it matters....the past...the present....and the future. As we get older, if we're learning from our mistakes, our future should get brighter and brighter. At least, that's the way I look at it. :)

This is also the time of the year that we see so many people/families/children receiving unexpected blessings. I love the look on my kids faces when they have given something to someone. It really does make your insides want to burst (in a good way)Sometimes though, it kills me though how Christians react to this. On the one hand, you have people who give really nice stuff to kids who really and truly need it. On the other hand, you have people who didn't see the previous exchange and they make comments about people needing food or whatever being dressed so well. Hmmmm. So basically, if you're needy, you MUST look the part. Why can't we see people with nice things and rejoice for them?

I wish people would think about things before they say them. It's painful to know that this is the world that I'm raising my kids in. That being said - this time of year, at least, I think the GOOD out weighs the bad by far. :) I think the people out there who are sincere in heart - who truly find JOY in seeing a child with a rockin new coat, or a brand new...maybe even name brand...sweatshirt or shoes - seriously make this season outstanding.

Stepping down from my rant now.

I'm Thankful for so many things this year. I'm thankful that all of my kids are together since my ex husband and sister moved here. I'm thankful that it isn't weird and hurtful anymore that they got married. I'm thankful that I celebrated 3 years (2 yrs marriage) with the kindest, most patient, most tenderhearted man ever. A man who has never raised his voice to me, who has never said an unkind word to me. A man who lives by Gods word through his actions.....not his words. He's quiet and doesn't say much - but his life...yeah, his life says a lot. *huge smiles* I'm thankful for our home and the land it's on. Our house has such a wonderful historic story to it and I'm also thankful for that (being the history lover I am).

Ahhh, my babies. I get emotional when I start thinking of all the ways I'm thankful for them. Anna, my sweet teenage girl has such drive and desire for her life. I am thankful for the sense of humor she brings to the table. Adrienne, my precious 11 yr old. She almost masters the art of being an extroverted introvert. *giggling* I am thankful for the personality she brings to the table. SD2, mi hijo, *soft smile* I am thankful for the energy he brings to the table. Such love and emotion seared in deep energy - my tree climber! Abby, so far, is my inquisitive one. *laughing* I am thankful for the questions and comments that crack me up on a daily basis. :) Jaclyn, *tears* I will always be thankful that she is alive. And that her heart is working. She brings such expression to the table and I am so thankful for that. :) Mason, my little baby-man. Mason has an ingrown love of motorcycles and all things that go Vrrroooommm. LOL I'm thankful for his smile that lights up a room.

I'm like most other mothers - I want all things good for my kids. *smiling*

Enjoy your Holiday season.....leave love behind in every step and do everything for the Lord. If it's done for the Lord then it eliminates the desire for a "thank you" or a pat on the back.

Ephesians 6:7


Unknown said...

And if anyone should ever wonder why I love you, they should read this post as but one example. -- Dad!

Christi Dobson said...

Awww, you make me cry!!! I love you, Daddy!!!