Nov 19, 2010

And a canopy changed her world......

So I like to think I'm crafty. 'Think' being the key word there. Somehow I get this phrase in my mind..."Oh! That'll be easy....and cool"! The downside to that is that I've misplaced my easy button and my glue gun is on crack.

I'm making a canopy for Adrienne's bed. This was my sisters idea. It was a good idea, too, until I said "cool! I'll make it for her".....Now I'm thinking Melly needs to come over here and take my glue gun to rehab while I hook myself up to a coffee iv. *whew* Everything almost always looks easier than it is. It'll be worth it in the end to see Adri's sweet smile and that canopy hanging over her bed. :)

In the meantime, I got this *other* really great idea. I'm sure Joe will love me when he's outside hanging the Christmas lights...bright idea, huh? Hehe. I think so. Really what I should be doing is old friend. I'm beginning to wonder if I need birth control for clothes because they seem to be reproducing faster than I can get things done. As soon as I think I'm all caught up I realize I've forgotten something...or someone throws up. Either one. LOL With 6 kids it seems like lately it's been the latter more often than anything.

Abby has been having trouble with her ears again and I'm thinking that this is the cause of her vomiting at night. Two sets of tubes and it's still a problem. Poor baby girl. She cracks me up though with all of her reactions to things. My sister Melly and I were at Wal-mart with her today waiting for her prescription to be filled. She was just so bored after a while and she was trying really hard to be good. And we were trying really hard to explain what "window shopping" means. We looked over at her after a while and she was hanging over the cart like "Please God, somebody buy something cool or let's ditch this place". My purchase of Crest for Kids didn't make the cut.

Tomorrow Anna has Regional's for choir...I'm so excited for her! She has such a beautiful voice. *smile* So that being said, let's hope that we can all get some sleep tonight - I have a feeling that the alarm clock going off at 4 am on a Saturday isn't going to be a huge hit. *laughing* Ice water here we come! Yay for good times! <3

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