Feb 21, 2009

Fell Into A Pool Of Purple Elephants

Joe and I took Abby to Wal-art last night to see about buying her a bike. We live in the perfect neighborhood for bike riding and she has outgrown her little tricycle. *sniff*. She cracks us up all the time with her little antics and sayings. We were walking through looking at the bikes and Joe reached up to get a bike off the really high hook it was hanging on and Abby says "Uh, I don't think so. That is a big bike for big humans." LOL I crack up at this. Then we stopped at the store because Joe was fixing his famous chicken/bacon/ranch (on the grill...YUMMY) Well, the girls and I waited in the car while he ran in. While we were waiting I saw that I had missed Mom's call, 4 times, so I called her back. Abby gets on the pone with her and asks "Mimi, are you a human?" LOL I have no idea what the deal is with the whole being a human but she is such a funny little girl.

Here recently she has refused to count right (1,2,3 etc). She claims that she is counting like her Dad. When I asked him about it we finally decided figured out that when she was visiting him they played hide and seek and they counted out of order just trying to be funny. Well, she took it seriously and now won't count right for anything. LOL Anyway, before wal-mart last night we went to a book store to pick up a book I had ordered. Abby was looking around at all the books for her age and all of a sudden I realize she's counting... 1,2,3,4,5... I look at Joe and say "Hey, do you hear that? He grins and says (in his deep voice drawing the word out) "yes". I just laugh but I did feel relieved knowing that she CAN do it, she just doesn't WANT to.

Took me back to the old laundry times I had where it was a struggle...wanting to do it and doing it, come to find out, were very different things. Ha!

Well, today is Saturday and we are taking the girls and heading out of town! Yeah!!! We're so glad to be able to get away and go do something! I'll post pics of our adventures after we get back.

Oh and a belly update.....I am 18 weeks pregnant today. Yes, my tummy definitely looks pregnant, Joe can now rub my belly and make wishes....LOL I have a dr's appt next Wednesday and will let ya know how it goes! So far, things have been drama free (thank God) and we are hoping for a plump little healthy baby. :)


Feb 12, 2009

She's crawling!

Yep! Jaclyn has mastered the art of crawling. Although she kind-of looks like a little frog sometimes. LOL She gets up on all fours and rocks and then she plops down on her tummy and low crawls across the floor. What she really wants to do is walk.....but let's hope she waits a while to do that!
The good news here is that work has picked back up at the electric company Joe works for. *Thank God*. Seriously. So hopefully it will stay that way. We have school tuition to pay for and Jaclyn's medical bills!

Well, Abby's in the tub and Jaclyn is now all over the place so I had better get off this computer. Hopefully I'll get a video on here soon of both of them :) ~

Feb 11, 2009

Growing up

Jaclyn is trying so hard to crawl. She gets up on both her hands and her knees and then she just rocks back and forth. Poor girl, she gets so upset when she doesn't go anywhere. LOL
She's just so curious about everything though it's so funny. Just like her Daddy, if there is a cord or gadget laying around that's what she goes for. You could have her surrounded with toys and she'll bypass them to get to someone's cell phone they left out or the computer cord or whatever else looks cool. :)

She's fun, it's going to be so neat to see what kind of personality she has. I've loved that about being a Momma. Being able to watch them all grow and exert their individual personalities. That's one of the best parts of being a parent. it's just so neat to watch these little people become big people, inside and out! I love being a Momma. It's what I've always wanted to do. Since I was a little girl I wanted to grow up and be a Momma. So how cool is it that I get to be one to 6 kiddo's?!?! *huge grin*

Feb 10, 2009

For my new readers...

I want to share with you this post before you start reading the last 4 years of my life.

So no one will read anything on here and get offended, I want you to all understand that these blogs that I've spent 4 years writing were a documentation of my life. I was married to a military guy and we did *try* to treat each other as husbands and wives should.

I thought about deleting a lot of posts but then a thought came over me. I'm not ashamed or anything else for any of these posts in regards to my first husband. It was my life, and I appreciated it for what it was. So I blogged about it. Writing has always been my way to escape, vent or otherwise relax.

And as you will read, life took a sharp turn. And we began on new paths. And I will blog about it, because I appreciate my life now even more than before.

This blog is particularly special to me. It represents who I was and who I am now. So beginning a new one, after some thought, just wasn't an option. There are a lot of old posts on here that I cherish and I didn't want to delete them.

To the right you will see an archive of months. Scroll down and you will see August at the bottom of the list. I began this blog on August 15, 2005. When you click on a month you may see a list of blogs. If you scroll the page down and start with the last blog first and then read up, they will be in order and make more sense...LOL

Again, this is me. The past and the present.

~ Christi

Feb 9, 2009


Reading some of the older posts on here lately really has had me thinking! Some of the posts I had forgotten about and was laughing so hard while reading them. Some made me sad. All in all, I realized that this blog really has been a documentation of my life. Pretty much the past 4 years. There is a lot of good documented, a lot of funny, some serious, some sad. But it's my life. It's my thoughts.

The one thing I'm going to do differently is be a little more real about the not so great stuff. There are too many Christians walking their walk who put on smiles and act like life is great and they don't struggle with anything. My friend, Kim, made a beautiful point the other day. I'll post it here:

If you don't have struggles or hard times then maybe you should ponder that. If Satan never attacks you then maybe you should ask yourself "am I a threat to him?". Quite simply, if you are not a threat, then he will not see the need to attack. If you ARE a threat, then he will attack.

I think I've learned to take my attacks as a compliment. Satan knows I want to live my life for God. And knowing that makes him really angry. And I've learned that he'll stop at nothing to get at me. The thing is, he won't win. Because even when I felt like I was in my darkest deepest moments at the bottom of the pit, I relied on God.

I kept reminding myself of Romans 12. Trying to not be conformed but transformed. And holy cow have I messed things up! But I would continue to say to myself "out with the old in with the new". And it has helped me keep my eye on the goal.

I am a divorced/remarried woman/momma. As sad as divorce is, I'm grateful that my ex-husband and I have come to the conclusion that we want to make this as easy an experience for our kids as we can. Is there anything easy about divorce? Nope. But it doesn't have to be a huge nasty fight. And I think we've learned that when you ignore the ill advice of people encouraging you to "go after or fight" and you put the kids first remembering that fighting in any way will hurt them, things are better.

It just doesn't matter any more what happened in our marriage. The divorce dissolved the marriage and it's contents. And what we have left are these 4 beautiful children who deserve only the best that we can give them.

That means putting aside what we want, what we think we deserve, and put the kids first. It's amazing how just doing that can clear up so many issues.

I also think that there were a lot of well meaning friends and family who were encouraging a nasty fight. Court or otherwise. I find that interesting seeing as how we both come from a long line of Christians.......

My point is that we all have our struggles. Some people have secret struggles and some have open struggles. We choose to be real about them or not. Sometimes we get angry when someone doesn't do things the way we want.

I've certainly had people angry with me because they think I'm doing things wrong. Of course, My family supported me and his family supported him. That's probably generally how it is.

Funny though, not very many at all were simply on the kids side. No one told us BOTH, hey pull your head out and look at how you are making this worse.....no, it seemed that it was either his side or my side.

Personally, I think the right thing to do would have been to just be on the kids side. It's important to our kids for their family members to be supportive of the other. It's important for my kids to know that my parents support a relationship with my ex's parents. It's a huge deal, because this is THEIR life. And ALL of these people are a part of their life. Even if they are not a part of my life, or my ex's life. it's about the KID'S life.

So, that's my view on this whole divorce thing. LOL

Feb 8, 2009

Well another year's gone by.....

Wow, I can't believe another year has gone by. Well, I did give birth to a beautiful baby girl on June 8th, 2008. She had Transposition of the great arteries with VSD. You can read about her open heart surgery here...

I am married to a wonderful man, Joe. He's my best friend. Plain and simple. ;)

We actually are expecting again! This time due in July.

So much has happened over the last few years. I'm hoping to be able to write to help through some of the healing process. So much healing has already taken place and God is such a good and gracious God. For that I'm grateful.

I'll start writing more soon, until then...
