Jaclyn is trying so hard to crawl. She gets up on both her hands and her knees and then she just rocks back and forth. Poor girl, she gets so upset when she doesn't go anywhere. LOL
She's just so curious about everything though it's so funny. Just like her Daddy, if there is a cord or gadget laying around that's what she goes for. You could have her surrounded with toys and she'll bypass them to get to someone's cell phone they left out or the computer cord or whatever else looks cool. :)
She's fun, it's going to be so neat to see what kind of personality she has. I've loved that about being a Momma. Being able to watch them all grow and exert their individual personalities. That's one of the best parts of being a parent. it's just so neat to watch these little people become big people, inside and out! I love being a Momma. It's what I've always wanted to do. Since I was a little girl I wanted to grow up and be a Momma. So how cool is it that I get to be one to 6 kiddo's?!?! *huge grin*
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