Sep 25, 2006

Life runs, I walk.

Well, this is Sunday night. Tomorrow we close on our first home and become official home owners. *cheer*
Please pray that this goes ok. If you're reading this and it's Monday, just take a second and say a prayer for our family. Today marks the beginning of a completely new life. A beginning as an "on the way to becoming a civilian family". Being home owners is a task that I'm certain we're ready for. It's exciting, to know that I no longer have to hang pictures, decorative tile, or anything else for that matter, with Velcro. (You can decorate almost your entire home with Velcro. You would be amazed at what that stuff can hold.....) Still, until tomorrow is over, I'm going to slightly hold my breath. It ain't over till it's over. *grin*

On that note, I can tell you that I'm ready to move. Not anxious, just ready. I'm past the point of making lists ( I live for lists ), of all the things I need to do before the movers come. I am, however, at the point of throwing away everything and starting over with all new stuff. *just kiddin*

This will mark our 14th move. Let me tell you, I have learned that it is ALL about the UNpacking. Get all the clutter put away, anything that is trash thrown away. Anything that can not be moved (liquids, cleaners, garage stuff...oil...soap, perishable items....the likes) should be giv en away to some grateful person. Then, you should organize all the books in the house into one location. This makes un packing so much easier. If you know it's books, you can unpack it last. All toys should be moved to one location, all clothes should be in the proper drawers in the proper rooms, all jewelry should be placed together, all telephones and cords should be together, all computers should be in one get the idea?

I've unpacked boxes before where they packed, shoes, clothes and papers together in one box. They will put anything together just to fill a box. Dumping out every drawer in your entire house will give you an idea how how much of a clutterbug you are, but it will also allow you to get rid of the unnecessary items and keep the important ones.

So many people think that if you clean a room and leave it the way it usually is, they will come in, pack it up and you can unpack it the same exact way. Not true. Most likely, the layout of the rooms where you live and where you are going are not going to be the same. Also, you would be surprised how much the movers can tear your house apart while packing. You think it's really clean until they start unloading drawers and dumping out the items in your desk and bathroom cabinets. Not to mention your storage room and garage.

I have a system though. And I like it.

I walk around and mark each and every box they pack, as they pack it, with priority numbers. An open me first box, will have clean towels, linens and toilet paper. It will also have the telephones and their cords, a skillet, 2 pots, paper plates, plastic cups and disposable silverware. For this move, I will include a package of batteries, the new magic erasers by Mr. Clean and a COPY of the kids health and school records, just in case something should happen to the ones on the plane.

Then, I go around and mark the priority of the rest of the boxes. The idea, is to get the number of boxes down to a minimum. We have a ton of furniture. So hopefully, most of the boxes will hold the kitchenware, clothes, book, toys etc. The goal is to NOT have to open a box at the new house and say "oh good grief, this is junk". *grin*

The other goal, is to be able to immediately direct all boxes that can go straight to storage, to storage. And be able to focus on the boxes that contain the things we use on a regular basis.

That's my theory on packing down and unpacking a house. *smile*

1 comment:

believingthomas said...

let us know when to come and welcome you!