Apr 9, 2006

Random thoughts of sheer hydration

You know, I actually bid on my contract. If you'll remember back in September I wanted to become an independent Contractor.


Being the Director of Religious Education at a military chapel definitely has been interesting. Especially for this girl with such a conservative background. Thinking back, it still amazes me at what a small world people live in when they surround themselves in a "Christian" environment. Forgive the quotes as I am still searching for clues to why people think it necessary to live like this. Did Jesus? No. Who did he eat with??? Thieves, murderers..Prostitutes?

But don't we get comfy in our pews, 3rd from the front on the right hand side. And isn't it amazing how quickly we judge when someone seems different.

Want to know how many times people have judged me for being different? Well, when we were younger (11 years ago...*laughing*) and we attended Bible college...I didn't exactly fit in. I didn't look or play the part. Funny how now, things are so very different. Now, I probably look a more worldly part, And suddenly I find an environment that I fit into. A sinful one? I don't think so.

I absolutely LOVE my job. Religious Education is definitely something I will pursue further. I have gained insight on so many things on so many levels.

However, I have come to the conclusion that the "Christian" lifestyle has the potential to be terribly deceiving. Going back to when we were in Bible college, yes, we made lifelong friends there and respected so many people. I never truly felt comfortable. It was the "learned environment". That people who worshiped differently were to be shunned. "Lofty glances from lofty people" (Casting Crowns) I've seen it my whole life. Someone raises their hands to praise God and all of a sudden you're having a sit down with the Elders......

I had spent my entire life a preachers daughter, yet couldn't seem to get my foot in the door of the crowd that people liked. Of course if I remember right, I carried a huge chip on my shoulder back then. *grin* But I didn't realize what the difference was until we moved away and joined the Army. Back there, in that beautiful small town, from my experience, most of the Christians kept themselves tightly and deeply involved inside their own community.

Out here, away from the southern lifestyle, things are very different. I certainly don't condone any lifestyle out here. Worship is very different. People don't care how many songs you sing before the prayer, or if anyone took communion to the nursery workers (our nursery workers are paid contractors...Like me!), it doesn't matter if no one responded to the invitation....Out here, the "alter call" which may be administered 2 times a year.

I've had to deal with so many political things lately. Working in a military chapel is different than how I thought it would be. But then again, I NEVER attended a worship service other than a church of Christ one. So what did I expect? Certainly not what I got. And I've been so disappointed with the political games I've been privy to. *grin*

Out here acceptance is a religion. That's dangerous. It's a danger to be treaded on like tiny shards of ice. Acceptance is a powerful tool. Satan uses it masterfully. As he takes our weaknesses in the palm of his hand and turns them over and over, grinning, strategically planning his next attack. Causing people all over to be so accepting of anything and everything.

I recommend throwing away any desire for acceptance. Funny, I learned a few years ago, that displaying confidence demands acceptance. It's the nature of people. Very simply, you are accepted if you display a strong sense of confidence. ;)

I love every stage I've been in. My life is full of memories, ranging in a variety of emotions. Yet I will remain grateful for each. They are who I am. My past is why I make the kinds of decisions I make today. It's how I am so deeply in love with my husband and our children. I wouldn't trade it for anything.


believingthomas said...

Been meaning to check up with you and just saw that you think camp will not work. It is the week after july 4th. If it will work or might. Let me know by e-mail. If you don't have it, click on my blogger profile and you can get it there.

If you come you might get to see me burned at the stake.

Christi Dobson said...

Wow, watching you be burned at the stake....not steak?...is hard to pass up...hmm.

Actually there is a lot going on in our household. I'll give you and Kim a call and catch you up on a few things.

Sunnydale says hi!