Nov 12, 2005

Purple People Eaters

Ok, I have to say that I realized something today. People have really been aggravating me lately. I don't know why. But all of a sudden over the last 6 months or so, I have come to the conclusion that I disagree with over half of the things that come out of women's mouths. Now, before you women out there take that wrong, let me explain.

I have heard so much gossip and taken part in a lot of it, thinking that I was trying to "help". That's our way of gossiping, you know. We "help", or we're trying to be a good listener, or sometimes we're just "being honest". Right?

Here is my perception of my life at this moment....

I have been married for almost 11 years, not always happily, but I do believe that is normal. I am happy now, and that's all that matters. Anyway, we have 4 children. I will have an impact, an eternal impact, on these children. Now, as much as I love my husband (and he's a GREAT Dad), he can't always be here. I understand that. I want life for him when he IS here to be relaxing. When he walks in the door, I don't dump the kids on him saying I've had enough, I am grateful he is there to provide moral support, but to dump him with an entire other job as soon as he walks in the door would just be wrong. I have listened to so many women lately complain about their lives, their husbands, their children, the bible study we attend, other members of our Chapel, you name it I've had to listen to it. Then it occurs to me, I did this, I made these people think they should be comfortable telling me these things.

Also, DRAMA. Raise your hand if you enjoy DRAMA.

Ok, why can't we just bake a cake for someone when they need it and move on with life. How come everything is everyone's business??? People create their own drama. Women, create their own drama. I'm guilty of it, too. But it is something that I am quickly growing very tired of. Sometimes I just wish I could hole up in my house and not deal with anyone. Mostly because I am so sick of the stupid things that people say.

No, I'm not pregnant...LOL Seriously though, I truly believe that Paul really had something when he said for us women to be quiet. We're so quick to defend that. Why don't we WANT to be more like Sarah, Abraham's wife?? What was it that was said about her, that she had a quiet and gentle spirit? I find myself longing to be in the company of a woman with a quiet and gentle spirit. Where is she, Lord? Where is my friend that I can learn from, you know, the one who's spirit is quiet and gentle, so quiet and gentle that also is her tongue????

Where is JUNE?? You know JUNE CLEAVER?? The one who always had a smile on her face, who laughed at her kids instead of yelling at them, who packed sack lunches everyday. Said goodbye at the door fully dressed and her hair done? Our worship has changed too.

What happened to that generation where we actually cared about being decent people. Whatever happened to the Christians who worshiped our Lord through dance and song? Who lifted their hands to the sky in unabandoned love and adoration for our LORD?? Church doctrine is not the truth, you know. Sometimes, it may be BASED on truth, but there is only one Truth.

Sorry to completely vent. But I'm a little frustrated at the Christian women I am surrounded by. Where is our servanthood? What are we loyal to? Cause I seriously doubt it's God.

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