Aug 29, 2005


We have family and friends that are in the path of this horrible storm. We are praying for the safety of everyone.
I've stayed up most of the night. I suppose it's different when you've got family in harms way. I've flipped back and forth from The Weather Channel, MSNBC and Fox news. I fell asleep for a little while on the couch (Sunnydale worked last night and came home around 5:30 am) filling Sunnydale in here and there late last night. He called his brother at 1am their time. I talked to his mom who is in Baton Rouge around midnight. I am most concerned about New Orleans and the Biloxi/Gulf Port area. So many friends down there... JD, we're praying for you guys. Dee you too! Tommy, I'm not sure of the location of the town you guys went to for the weekend, so I hope you all are safe. My Aunt and Uncle in stayed in Laurel hoping that it wouldn't get too bad. I've just been so worried about everyone. My Grandma is in Vicksburg praying also that the worst of it won't head her way. Mom and Dad are in Grenada. All those tornadoes that will hit Mississippi and Alabama before it dissolves slightly and heads into Tennessee, just to produce more tornadoes. I'd rather go through an earthquake than tornadoes and a hurricane. Plus, half the earthquakes we've had out here, I somehow have been oblivious to. *rolls eyes*.

I'm logging now, back to the TV. Praying for safety for everyone down there.


believingthomas said...

I have not heard anything today out of JD or Dee. I didn't know you knew Dee! right now the coast is getting pounded. Storm Surge is at least high enough to get into the second floor of the Beau Rivage casino. So I would guess a lot of houses are flooded.

Not even raining here right now. Just that weird swirl of clouds that move in the wrong direction. They are closing malls some businesses in Jackson so Vicksburg probably is the same. We are expeciting 60 mile per hour winds tonight with gusts over 100MPH.

Kim's sister was once again on vacation at Gulf shores (they were evacuated last year too) so we had unexpected company last night when we got back from our trip.

Christi Dobson said...

I know Dee by her blogging. I love her stories. My Aunt and Uncle are in Laurel, just northeast from Hattiesburg. Looks like they'll be hit fairly hard. Worried about JD and fam. Tell Kim's sister, maybe it's time to find a new vacation spot. LOL Will continue to keep everyone's safety in my prayers. Thanks for letting me hear from ya!

believingthomas said...

I heard that JD went to family in the he should be ok.

We are on the east side and there is the possiblility of tornados for east Miss.

Christi Dobson said...

Thanks for the update on JD and fam. Just talked to Dad, he was giving me the run down of the tornado warnings in Canton and such. Looks like it's going to be pretty nasty for Starkville too. Stay safe. Let us know how you guys fare. Continuing to pray for safety.