Nov 25, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

Wow, I can't believe how long it's been since I've blogged. Probably thanks to Facebook where we just update our status regularly so there's less need to blog...

So, an update I suppose is in order.

I still have 6 kids! Like, I grew one to completion. She'll be 21 in Feb! The other teenager I have is still alive too so YAY me. So many plant and fish funerals but I can totally keep people alive. Almost 21 years of proof. 😉

Joe is still my amazing Moonhanger. <3 Life is still so good. I'm blessed.

The last 9 years have been amazing and crazy and introspective. I have learned a lot about myself, others...

So many stories.... I'll try to catch you up.

Did I mention I grew a kid?!?!? She's AMAZING. <3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lol, Mom, I love reading this! Yes, Anna's AWESOME, yes there were TONS of plant and fish funerals, and yes there will most likely more of, well, everything. Can't wait! *smirks*