Oct 6, 2006

Ma Ma Ma Ma Mary, this ones for you!!

I've enabled comment moderation. Basically that just means that anyone can post a comment now, you don't have to be a registered user. This way, if any of that nasty spam comes up, I can delete it before it's published.

*grin* - Mary, this means that you click on "comments" at the end of this post. Then you type your message, then click on "other", type your name, type in the word verification and then you're done! *hehe, I'll be expecting you to reply now* LOL

I thinking about switching over to the Beta form, so we'll see.

Today I'll be crazy busy trying to fit everything into my schedule as we are fast approaching "The Move". I have to say we have some very special family members who are making this move easier than I ever thought. *thanks*

Hopefully, Jamie, can keep the blog updated for me since I won't have a computer until....... I have no idea how long it'll be. March??? Wow, I hadn't given that one any good thought until now, huh? Hmmm. Note to self - need computer before March.

Ok, well I'm rambling. I've been up since 2:30 am. Can't sleep. The house is clean and the laundry is almost complete. I mean, complete, complete. Where there is no dirty laundry hiding anywhere in this house! All I have left to wash is the bedding. I'm waiting until Sunday to do that since we're sleeping on it and the point is to pack it clean. *grin*

I suppose since it's 4:43 and my hubby hasn't left for work yet, I should go and see if he's sleeping late on purpose. *wink*



Anonymous said...

I wish you all the best.Drive safe and May God Bless you and the family in your new home.Miss ya girl.Take Care

Anonymous said...

Since it's Saturday and I just found your comment for me, I hope you don't miss my profound (HA) message. I will NEVER be able to put into words how much you all have come to mean to me. I love you so much and wish you all of God's richest blessings. I know where ever God takes you, great things are going to happen. Keep sending me pictures of the kids...keep shaving SD1's head...send me your new address...and keep some diet dr pepper in the fridge...you never know when we might turn up on your front porch!!! XXOO, M