Oct 7, 2006

Cheap Shot

For all of you out there wondering what to get us for Christmas, I've added a wish List in my Profile. *grin*

Well, today is Saturday and Monday afternoon, I need to be completely done with the house. I've pretty much wasted my morning playing around with my new cell phone and working on this blog. Even though I'll be computerless for a while. LOL I need to clean up the blog before it gets packed away. That's how I feel about my house!

I'm pretty much done though. All I have to do now is wash the bedding from all the rooms , take down the trampoline, drain all the oil/gas from the lawnmower and we should be good to go.

I think I'll be glad when we actually get on the road, then I can breathe cause there won't be anything to do except drive! :)

Thanks for the prayers, keep em going up! ~C.


Anonymous said...

hey, add me too!

Anonymous said...

sorry, that was me (Laura), guess I should have included my name, huh?

Christi Dobson said...

*laughing* I'll send you the info!!

l said...

ok, i am officially retarded. i can't get on the blog right. i tried to enter the email and a password, and it took me to google, so i registered there, but it still doesn't let me in....your blog doesn't like me!!! (Laura)