Well, I'm a recovering chickenpoxian. LOL Actually, I got the lab results back from my dr. today and it wasn't the chicken pox after all, but a staph infection! ACK! Holy Cow, how did that happen? Well, it's going away, and I suppose that's all that really matters.
The girls are enjoying school! Adri is making friends and Anna is doing SO much better in school. The classes here are very different from your traditional school and we are loving that!
The little people are doing really well too. They have made friends now with Justin, Katie and Samantha. While she's not taking away Samantha's binky, Abby, is especially loving Justin, she calls him "jon jon". She likes to tell him "no no!" and "shhhh". She has been cracking me up. Sunnydale has had a blast running around and playing.
We all miss Daddy and are counting down the days until he gets here! Love you Sunnydale!
I agree with him too, that we'll start saving now for the John Deere Car. *laughing* That will be great!
I'll try to update more often with pictures.
Oct 30, 2006
Oct 21, 2006
Getting Settled
Well, we are slowly but surely getting settled here in the South again! Sooo glad to be here! The girls are so funny, they get excited about all those wonderful little things that us adults overlook. Such as the fact that you can hear the band practicing and you can listen to the football games outside in the front yard on Friday night! They get so excited, it's funny and so very nice to see their sweet smiles and hear their laughter.

Here is a picture of Anna and Adri's room....

It's actually a light pink, but it comes out darker in the picture.
Here is a picture of something you'd only see here in Mississippi
It's a John Deere Car....*laugh*

Oct 7, 2006
Cheap Shot
For all of you out there wondering what to get us for Christmas, I've added a wish List in my Profile. *grin*
Well, today is Saturday and Monday afternoon, I need to be completely done with the house. I've pretty much wasted my morning playing around with my new cell phone and working on this blog. Even though I'll be computerless for a while. LOL I need to clean up the blog before it gets packed away. That's how I feel about my house!
I'm pretty much done though. All I have to do now is wash the bedding from all the rooms , take down the trampoline, drain all the oil/gas from the lawnmower and we should be good to go.
I think I'll be glad when we actually get on the road, then I can breathe cause there won't be anything to do except drive! :)
Thanks for the prayers, keep em going up! ~C.
Well, today is Saturday and Monday afternoon, I need to be completely done with the house. I've pretty much wasted my morning playing around with my new cell phone and working on this blog. Even though I'll be computerless for a while. LOL I need to clean up the blog before it gets packed away. That's how I feel about my house!
I'm pretty much done though. All I have to do now is wash the bedding from all the rooms , take down the trampoline, drain all the oil/gas from the lawnmower and we should be good to go.
I think I'll be glad when we actually get on the road, then I can breathe cause there won't be anything to do except drive! :)
Thanks for the prayers, keep em going up! ~C.
Oct 6, 2006
Ma Ma Ma Ma Mary, this ones for you!!
I've enabled comment moderation. Basically that just means that anyone can post a comment now, you don't have to be a registered user. This way, if any of that nasty spam comes up, I can delete it before it's published.
*grin* - Mary, this means that you click on "comments" at the end of this post. Then you type your message, then click on "other", type your name, type in the word verification and then you're done! *hehe, I'll be expecting you to reply now* LOL
I thinking about switching over to the Beta form, so we'll see.
Today I'll be crazy busy trying to fit everything into my schedule as we are fast approaching "The Move". I have to say we have some very special family members who are making this move easier than I ever thought. *thanks*
Hopefully, Jamie, can keep the blog updated for me since I won't have a computer until....... I have no idea how long it'll be. March??? Wow, I hadn't given that one any good thought until now, huh? Hmmm. Note to self - need computer before March.
Ok, well I'm rambling. I've been up since 2:30 am. Can't sleep. The house is clean and the laundry is almost complete. I mean, complete, complete. Where there is no dirty laundry hiding anywhere in this house! All I have left to wash is the bedding. I'm waiting until Sunday to do that since we're sleeping on it and the point is to pack it clean. *grin*
I suppose since it's 4:43 and my hubby hasn't left for work yet, I should go and see if he's sleeping late on purpose. *wink*
*grin* - Mary, this means that you click on "comments" at the end of this post. Then you type your message, then click on "other", type your name, type in the word verification and then you're done! *hehe, I'll be expecting you to reply now* LOL
I thinking about switching over to the Beta form, so we'll see.
Today I'll be crazy busy trying to fit everything into my schedule as we are fast approaching "The Move". I have to say we have some very special family members who are making this move easier than I ever thought. *thanks*
Hopefully, Jamie, can keep the blog updated for me since I won't have a computer until....... I have no idea how long it'll be. March??? Wow, I hadn't given that one any good thought until now, huh? Hmmm. Note to self - need computer before March.
Ok, well I'm rambling. I've been up since 2:30 am. Can't sleep. The house is clean and the laundry is almost complete. I mean, complete, complete. Where there is no dirty laundry hiding anywhere in this house! All I have left to wash is the bedding. I'm waiting until Sunday to do that since we're sleeping on it and the point is to pack it clean. *grin*
I suppose since it's 4:43 and my hubby hasn't left for work yet, I should go and see if he's sleeping late on purpose. *wink*
Oct 5, 2006
Jamie's whole family

We went to Burney,Ca for Hailee's 1st birthday with my parents and took many pictures,so you'll probably see many of them. In the other picture Hailee was probably 7th months old,she is the princess of THIS house.
Forever friends
I just want you all to know that I've invited my best friend, Jamie, to post on this blog. This will enable us to keep in touch and transfer pictures and stuff back and forth.
Jamie and I met 9 years ago here in Monterey and have become the best of friends over the last 9 years. She has 3 boys and a girl and we have 3 girls and a boy. I'm going to miss being so close, even if it is a 5 hour drive that I refused to make...*laughing*
I love ya, Jamie and we'll get our families together before too long. I'll miss you and I love how we've been through everything together. *smack*
Kiss those kids for me,
Jamie and I met 9 years ago here in Monterey and have become the best of friends over the last 9 years. She has 3 boys and a girl and we have 3 girls and a boy. I'm going to miss being so close, even if it is a 5 hour drive that I refused to make...*laughing*
I love ya, Jamie and we'll get our families together before too long. I'll miss you and I love how we've been through everything together. *smack*
Kiss those kids for me,
Christi's best buddy!!!

This is Christi's best friend Jamie that lives in Redding,Ca, Hailee is Jamie's 4th child. She also has 3 boys ,Braedon ,Andrew,and Zachary. Christi and Jamie have been friends since 1998.
Oct 3, 2006
Taking Care of His Soldiers....
It never ceases to amaze me how God's love works in our lives. He is always there, beckoning us to him. Wanting us, loving us, forgiving us.
Even those who don't believe, he's there, waiting for them to turn to him.
And when they do, he's ready for them. Always prepared, always taking care of things ahead of time.
Always picking up the pieces of his weary soldiers.
The military is very different. My experience, today, with the military went something along these lines.....
(Me walking into the finance office to fill out the paperwork for our travel pay)
"Yes, I have my husbands separation orders and I need to fill out the appropriate paperwork so that we will receive our travel pay"
her - "He's getting out of the Army?"
me - "yes"
her - "you have his orders?"
me - "yes"
her - "Well there is nothing I can do for you until he attends the separation briefings"
me - "He's not actually separating until Feb."
her - "then why are you here?"
me - "I have my husbands orders because I need to fill out the appropriate paperwork to receive our travel pay, we're leaving in a week, he's leaving in a few months"
her - "you can not receive your travel pay before his ETS date"
me - "yes, you can if you have orders"
her - "do you have orders?"
**rolling my eyes in my head and thinking how many times I've already repeated myself I reply...**
me - "ummm, yes" while pointing to the papers she's holding in her hand.
her - "yeah, about these, it doesn't specify that the travel pay is allowed for you and your children before the ETS date"
me - "orders are orders aren't they? They wouldn't have cut them this early if they were not for us to use."
her - "I'm sorry, but there really isn't anything I can do. Except I can tell you that in April you can fill out this form and send it in. Where are you driving to?"
me - "Mississippi"......"Grenada, Mississippi"
her - "let's see here..." punches in some info on a computer....."you will be allowed 20c a mile, 74.25 per day for yourself and 49.50 per day per child. But like I said, you can't even see if your eligible for that until April."
me - "ummm, well thanks for letting me know how much I probably won't be getting. That's always pertinent information."
her - stares at me over her little glasses
me- trying to think of something polite to say....
her - "anything else I can help you with?"
When did she help me??
me - "no, I suppose not for now"
her - "well......" then she gets real quiet and hands me a small stack of papers like they're holding some serious secret information...."take these, give them to your husband, it'll help him when he's out processing."
me - "ummm, thanks. Bye"
I get out to the truck and I open the stack of papers. What are they??????
She had handed me back his orders and my Power of Attorney I had given her. Good grief.
That was a sample of how my day was. I couldn't help but to compare how God is always prepared to take care of us, even if we are separating ourselves from him. He's always there, holding out his hands to us.
I'm done with that. The Army has a lot of really great perks that make it difficult to leave, but once you get past the comfort zone, and realize it's a security blanket full of holes, it isn't too hard to leave.
It is, disappointing.
God isn't like that. His promise is that even through the bad, he's going to be there with us. To love us to comfort us. He isn't going to take the hurt away, but he'll hold our hand when the waters rough. He'll prevent us from drowning. His deep and intense love for us will be our life raft.
What an incredible Father we have!! We're so very blessed. So blessed. ~
Even those who don't believe, he's there, waiting for them to turn to him.
And when they do, he's ready for them. Always prepared, always taking care of things ahead of time.
Always picking up the pieces of his weary soldiers.
The military is very different. My experience, today, with the military went something along these lines.....
(Me walking into the finance office to fill out the paperwork for our travel pay)
"Yes, I have my husbands separation orders and I need to fill out the appropriate paperwork so that we will receive our travel pay"
her - "He's getting out of the Army?"
me - "yes"
her - "you have his orders?"
me - "yes"
her - "Well there is nothing I can do for you until he attends the separation briefings"
me - "He's not actually separating until Feb."
her - "then why are you here?"
me - "I have my husbands orders because I need to fill out the appropriate paperwork to receive our travel pay, we're leaving in a week, he's leaving in a few months"
her - "you can not receive your travel pay before his ETS date"
me - "yes, you can if you have orders"
her - "do you have orders?"
**rolling my eyes in my head and thinking how many times I've already repeated myself I reply...**
me - "ummm, yes" while pointing to the papers she's holding in her hand.
her - "yeah, about these, it doesn't specify that the travel pay is allowed for you and your children before the ETS date"
me - "orders are orders aren't they? They wouldn't have cut them this early if they were not for us to use."
her - "I'm sorry, but there really isn't anything I can do. Except I can tell you that in April you can fill out this form and send it in. Where are you driving to?"
me - "Mississippi"......"Grenada, Mississippi"
her - "let's see here..." punches in some info on a computer....."you will be allowed 20c a mile, 74.25 per day for yourself and 49.50 per day per child. But like I said, you can't even see if your eligible for that until April."
me - "ummm, well thanks for letting me know how much I probably won't be getting. That's always pertinent information."
her - stares at me over her little glasses
me- trying to think of something polite to say....
her - "anything else I can help you with?"
When did she help me??
me - "no, I suppose not for now"
her - "well......" then she gets real quiet and hands me a small stack of papers like they're holding some serious secret information...."take these, give them to your husband, it'll help him when he's out processing."
me - "ummm, thanks. Bye"
I get out to the truck and I open the stack of papers. What are they??????
She had handed me back his orders and my Power of Attorney I had given her. Good grief.
That was a sample of how my day was. I couldn't help but to compare how God is always prepared to take care of us, even if we are separating ourselves from him. He's always there, holding out his hands to us.
I'm done with that. The Army has a lot of really great perks that make it difficult to leave, but once you get past the comfort zone, and realize it's a security blanket full of holes, it isn't too hard to leave.
It is, disappointing.
God isn't like that. His promise is that even through the bad, he's going to be there with us. To love us to comfort us. He isn't going to take the hurt away, but he'll hold our hand when the waters rough. He'll prevent us from drowning. His deep and intense love for us will be our life raft.
What an incredible Father we have!! We're so very blessed. So blessed. ~
Oct 2, 2006
Abby and Anna ready for their day

I remember when Anna wore this dress!! Wow, time flies. Getting ready for our move so the posts will be few for a while. Keep us in your prayers.
~ Christi
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