Aug 25, 2006

Ms. Gladys

I'm sitting here tonight, remembering a lifetime ago. I was 19 yrs old. Married. Pregnant. Trying to make a new home in a new town with basically a 100% turn around from where I had been 18 months prior to that.

We moved to a little town called Bogue Chitto. I swear, really, it's called that. Sunnydale was the youth minister for this tiny church there. Tiny church. Did I mention that this place was tiny? I could tell you how tiny but I actually have fond memories and I don't want to come off as offensive...LOL

So there we were, Sunnydale was driving all the way up to Kosciusko to go to school on Mondays and Tuesdays at MBC. Needless to say, I got lonely when he was gone. We only had one car, so when he was gone it left me at home. I began going on walks up and down the street we lived on.

One day, on one of my walks, I noticed this older woman outside. In that southern hospitality that I truly love (and miss) we exchanged hellos. I recognized her as one of the older women at out church. She knew who I was and invited me in for some sweet tea.....(miss that too). Well, we began these visits regularly when Sunnydale was gone. And even when he was home, Ms. Gladys would invite us over and fix THE best meals. Let's just say we were well fed!!

On one of my visits she asked if I knew how to crochet. I said I didn't, but wished I did. Well that was all it took. She had tiny white thread wound around my hands and through my fingers with a needle going to work in no time. Those are some of the fondest memories I have. She would tell me stories about her life, when she was younger, and I would sit and crochet, fascinated with her.

Ms. Gladys was 93 when she taught me how to crochet.

An old friend called tonight, John Mark Smith, to let us know that Ms. Gladys had passed on to be with our Heavenly Father. I probably had an odd response, I thanked him for calling, it was extremely thoughtful, after all these years to think of letting us know. But now that I think about it, I didn't get any info for the she died, where she was...nothing. Here is this woman that I've thought of so often over the last 9 years and I didn't ask anything.

Then it occurred to me. I am very simply at complete peace with her passing. My very first thought was to thank John Mark for letting us know. It didn't occur to me to cry or mourn her. God had a reason for allowing her to live on this earth for so very long. She touched more people than just me, I can tell you that.

I'll remember her for her kindness, her loving compassion and endless smile. Never a harsh word or thought of judgment crossed over her lips onto my ears. She was very careful in how she taught me. I've never forgotten her and I never will.

Tonight, I celebrate her life. And I'm happy, for her, that she's home.

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