Aug 24, 2005

Met the teachers, met the parents, regretted lack of caffeine

Picture this...

Sunnydale comes home from work just in time to pick up Adrienne and take her to this open house thing at school. She's so excited because he will meet her teacher and see her classroom. She's mostly excited about him seeing the journal she's been working on. They get in the class and they are looking at the journal.
There's a picture she drew of Anna, Mommy, Adri, Abby and Sunnydale Jr., there are more pictures of Anna, Mommy, Abby, Adrienne and Sunnydale Jr., as they get closer to the end of the journal, she picks up on the fact that she's left Daddy out of her pictures. She quickly rectifies the situation when they get to the last picture and she exclaims "That's you, Daddy, but I couldn't draw pants, so I just drew a dress".

Personally, I rolled when I heard this. I can see the humor in it. I think Sunnydale was ready to forget about the Army and be a stay at home Dad. LOL I have to say though, that even though he's got long hours, he's a great Dad. Going above and beyond to make sure the kids know he's there for them and that he loves them. Although sneaking behind my back and teaching Abby to say "da da" first, I have to say was an all time low.

Met some of the parents of the kids in Anna's class. Let me tell you, that was an eye opener. Made me want to hang upside down by my toenails. This one parent who clearly had issues when she was a child at school just would not stop talking. I apparently was misled, because I thought we were there to meet the teacher, not the parents. But after a ten minute speech about why the teacher should rotate the children so they won't become part of a "clique". I was ready to pull out the duck tape. Honestly, I think it would have been fairly easy to bring her down with the support of the other parents. *sigh* Thankfully, I had my diet Dr. Pepper so all I really heard was " Mahnamahna,Mahnamahna,Mahnamahna".

Ok, so JD said that if I fed Chester creatively he would do what ever I want. All I'm going to admit to, is that it didn't work. No more will be said about it for a while. At least until the neighbors have time to recover and I get the feeling back on the left side of my body.

1 comment:

Christi Dobson said...

It is fun to be a southerner, isn't it babe? You can say anything, long as you bless them first. ;)

And I must say, that is the LAST time I bathe in glue before going out in public.