Nov 25, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

Wow, I can't believe how long it's been since I've blogged. Probably thanks to Facebook where we just update our status regularly so there's less need to blog...

So, an update I suppose is in order.

I still have 6 kids! Like, I grew one to completion. She'll be 21 in Feb! The other teenager I have is still alive too so YAY me. So many plant and fish funerals but I can totally keep people alive. Almost 21 years of proof. 😉

Joe is still my amazing Moonhanger. <3 Life is still so good. I'm blessed.

The last 9 years have been amazing and crazy and introspective. I have learned a lot about myself, others...

So many stories.... I'll try to catch you up.

Did I mention I grew a kid?!?!? She's AMAZING. <3

Feb 8, 2012

Dusting off the cobwebs...

Sheesh, it took me a while to get back in this place! I'll be coughing for a year from all the dust and cobwebs, it's been so long since I blogged! *laughing*

Well, what can I say, I've been busy being a Momma and sometimes it's hard to find the time to sit down and breathe. But it's a good kind of busy. ;)

One of my best friends in the entire world (whom I love dearly because of her random thought pattern and because of her love for the Lord) and I were talking the other day about all the changes going on in my life. At least it SEEMS like there are a lot of changes going on. *laughing* Anyway, we were talking about the way we made decisions when we were very young adults and how it's affected us now. You reap what you sow sort of thing...

This one has been hitting me kind of hard lately as I am definitely dealing with things now that are a direct consequence from decisions I made when I was younger. There's something to be said for making the RIGHT decision instead of the EASY decision. I know when I was younger I often made the easy decision seem like the right one. My Dad has always told me that the right decision is usually the hardest one. I made a decision when I was younger that definitely was the easy one. But most certainly not the right one.

So now, I have to accept that I was just so very wrong. And I can tell all of you that choosing the "easy" path now will for sure come back to bite you in the end.

I have a sign hanging in my kitchen that says "Why is there never time to do it right but always time to do it twice?"

Point taken.

I'm at a really wonderful place in life. I have 6 beautiful children. A husband who I am very much in love with and loves me back just as much. We have a wonderful home blessed with a wonderful job.....the list could go on.

However, I still have to pull my pride up off the floor and hike up my humility, raise my chin and say "Yes, Lord, I heard you".

This time I won't make the "easy for me" decision. This time, it won't be about me at all. And while I know the road will be long and possibly hard, the reward - in the end- will be worth it. And the seeds sown will grow.... :)

Feb 25, 2011

When words aren't enough....

All I can tell you is really just this.....The easiest way to overcome a struggle is to simply line it up with the word of God. If it isn't in line with the word of God, then you'll know how best to handle anything that comes your way. I've always said, "You may not know what TO do but you almost always know what NOT to do."

The thing is, when you struggle with remember that your anger isn't hurting the other person. Only you.....and kids, if they end up in the middle. It definitely hurts kids. And they will remember every single time a harsh word was spoken about the other parent. Every single time. It'll pierce them. And eventually, your anger will break them. And then they will struggle with living God's will for their life because your anger and bitterness has left them so broken - instead of spending time loving and displaying Christ - they'll spend so much time in reconstruction mode...

And what happens with the harsh words? Well, here's the deal.....when you speak harshly about another parent - you're speaking out of anger (usually from the past)....thing is, that other parent may really be a different person. And, they truly may not be speaking harshly about you. The kids see both sides while the parents only see one. So, in my opinion, speaking harshly about the other parent kind of shoots yourself in the foot, where your relationship with your kids is concerned at least.

Just don't do it. Just stop being angry and sincerely choose peace. Choose what is best for the KIDS not what is best for you. Releasing those chains of anger will change you life. And that is for sure.

Nov 20, 2010

Anna's Regionals...

I was so shocked at how easily Anna got up this morning! Seeing as how it was 5 am and she didn't actually fall asleep until after 11 pm. So, this morning - in the early morning fog - Joe drove her to the Jr. High and she got on the bus with the rest of her choir group. They were practicing at 11 and performing at 5. I'm so proud of her!!

I wish I could have gone. It is a 2 1/2 to 3 hour drive to Jonesboro from my house. And I really had to weigh what was best for all the kids vs. being there for Anna. As much as I did want to be there for her, Abby has an ear infection and keeps throwing up. I just felt like I needed to be at home with her and the other kiddo's. However, I am really glad that Anna's Dad & Melly were able to drive over this afternoon and be there for her! And he picked up the forms for us to order DVD's. Yay!

So I will leave in a little while and go pick Anna up at the school. In the meantime I'm going to go drink a cup of coffee with my guy. I'm so thankful that our lives have all settled down from the big D. That we can all work together for the benefit of the kids.

I'm mostly grateful that we're not bitter people...You can't serve God and be bitter. I choose Joy!! :)

Nov 19, 2010

And a canopy changed her world......

So I like to think I'm crafty. 'Think' being the key word there. Somehow I get this phrase in my mind..."Oh! That'll be easy....and cool"! The downside to that is that I've misplaced my easy button and my glue gun is on crack.

I'm making a canopy for Adrienne's bed. This was my sisters idea. It was a good idea, too, until I said "cool! I'll make it for her".....Now I'm thinking Melly needs to come over here and take my glue gun to rehab while I hook myself up to a coffee iv. *whew* Everything almost always looks easier than it is. It'll be worth it in the end to see Adri's sweet smile and that canopy hanging over her bed. :)

In the meantime, I got this *other* really great idea. I'm sure Joe will love me when he's outside hanging the Christmas lights...bright idea, huh? Hehe. I think so. Really what I should be doing is old friend. I'm beginning to wonder if I need birth control for clothes because they seem to be reproducing faster than I can get things done. As soon as I think I'm all caught up I realize I've forgotten something...or someone throws up. Either one. LOL With 6 kids it seems like lately it's been the latter more often than anything.

Abby has been having trouble with her ears again and I'm thinking that this is the cause of her vomiting at night. Two sets of tubes and it's still a problem. Poor baby girl. She cracks me up though with all of her reactions to things. My sister Melly and I were at Wal-mart with her today waiting for her prescription to be filled. She was just so bored after a while and she was trying really hard to be good. And we were trying really hard to explain what "window shopping" means. We looked over at her after a while and she was hanging over the cart like "Please God, somebody buy something cool or let's ditch this place". My purchase of Crest for Kids didn't make the cut.

Tomorrow Anna has Regional's for choir...I'm so excited for her! She has such a beautiful voice. *smile* So that being said, let's hope that we can all get some sleep tonight - I have a feeling that the alarm clock going off at 4 am on a Saturday isn't going to be a huge hit. *laughing* Ice water here we come! Yay for good times! <3

Nov 17, 2010

It's that time of year

I love love love this time of year! There is just so much joy in the air and it adds to the pleasant aroma of the season. *smiles* Craft time with the kids is in abundance during the holiday season as well....and maybe that has something to do with why I love it so much. Over the last 14 years of being a mother to some incredibly awesome kids we have made some pretty neat stuff. And some of it, I duplicate every Thanksgiving place mats. I like to think that because I have six kids, if they make a place mat every year then when everyone is grown and have families of their own there will be enough place mats for everyone! *huge grin*

Nostalgia is never in short supply this time of year either. I think it's so important that we remember where we've been. It's the path we've walked that makes us who we are. Every single person on this earth has their own story from the adventures found on their path. Everyone has something worthwhile to bring to the table. I guess all of it matters....the past...the present....and the future. As we get older, if we're learning from our mistakes, our future should get brighter and brighter. At least, that's the way I look at it. :)

This is also the time of the year that we see so many people/families/children receiving unexpected blessings. I love the look on my kids faces when they have given something to someone. It really does make your insides want to burst (in a good way)Sometimes though, it kills me though how Christians react to this. On the one hand, you have people who give really nice stuff to kids who really and truly need it. On the other hand, you have people who didn't see the previous exchange and they make comments about people needing food or whatever being dressed so well. Hmmmm. So basically, if you're needy, you MUST look the part. Why can't we see people with nice things and rejoice for them?

I wish people would think about things before they say them. It's painful to know that this is the world that I'm raising my kids in. That being said - this time of year, at least, I think the GOOD out weighs the bad by far. :) I think the people out there who are sincere in heart - who truly find JOY in seeing a child with a rockin new coat, or a brand new...maybe even name brand...sweatshirt or shoes - seriously make this season outstanding.

Stepping down from my rant now.

I'm Thankful for so many things this year. I'm thankful that all of my kids are together since my ex husband and sister moved here. I'm thankful that it isn't weird and hurtful anymore that they got married. I'm thankful that I celebrated 3 years (2 yrs marriage) with the kindest, most patient, most tenderhearted man ever. A man who has never raised his voice to me, who has never said an unkind word to me. A man who lives by Gods word through his actions.....not his words. He's quiet and doesn't say much - but his life...yeah, his life says a lot. *huge smiles* I'm thankful for our home and the land it's on. Our house has such a wonderful historic story to it and I'm also thankful for that (being the history lover I am).

Ahhh, my babies. I get emotional when I start thinking of all the ways I'm thankful for them. Anna, my sweet teenage girl has such drive and desire for her life. I am thankful for the sense of humor she brings to the table. Adrienne, my precious 11 yr old. She almost masters the art of being an extroverted introvert. *giggling* I am thankful for the personality she brings to the table. SD2, mi hijo, *soft smile* I am thankful for the energy he brings to the table. Such love and emotion seared in deep energy - my tree climber! Abby, so far, is my inquisitive one. *laughing* I am thankful for the questions and comments that crack me up on a daily basis. :) Jaclyn, *tears* I will always be thankful that she is alive. And that her heart is working. She brings such expression to the table and I am so thankful for that. :) Mason, my little baby-man. Mason has an ingrown love of motorcycles and all things that go Vrrroooommm. LOL I'm thankful for his smile that lights up a room.

I'm like most other mothers - I want all things good for my kids. *smiling*

Enjoy your Holiday season.....leave love behind in every step and do everything for the Lord. If it's done for the Lord then it eliminates the desire for a "thank you" or a pat on the back.

Ephesians 6:7

Aug 13, 2010

New Pics!

Jaclyn's birthday cake that Anna and I made!

Our Mason man after his first haircut. (and the first time I have ever cut hair) :)

Bubba & Jaclyn..... :)

Anna & her "mini-me", Jaclyn. :)

We are getting ready to start school!!! Can't believe how fast time has flown by and how blessed we have been. <3 Maybe someday I'll have more time to update my blog more often! But until then, this will have to do! :)

Apr 13, 2010

Can you see me now?

Transparency - implies openness, communication and accountability.

Well, can you see me now? I've gained some weight. I'm working out everyday and drinking water so as to take care of this before it becomes a health problem. I'm not going to blame it on having babies or anything else cause the fact is that I just love food and eat proportions that could fill a grown man. *shrug* I will not buy any "fat sucker" panties or girdles or anything of the sort. I am me. This is who I am.

I am the same person on the inside right now that I am when I weigh 135 pounds.

Why do we try so hard to hide who we really are? So much draining effort is put into hiding the parts of us that we don't think are appealing. For some it may be appearance related and for others it may be a behavioral issue. We hide, we mask, we pretend, we do whatever we can so as to put up this facade that we don't have any problems and we don't struggle with anything.

We don't want to be judged.

We can't utilize the natural support system that God gave us because we're all afraid of each other. Therefore creating this destructive circle that teaches fear of judgment = hide. The only problem with this is that no matter how hard we try we can not hide from God. So by putting on masks and hiding we are only lying. And what an exhausting lie this is.

Being transparent means that we are visible. The Lord wants us to be real and honest about who we are with him and with others. This creates a truly intimate bond in that we can confess to one another. We can bear each others burdens. And we can do so without judgment.

We place such a burden on children also when they see these masks being put on in one place and taken off in others and replaced in yet another social situation. This burdens them to feel as though they have to pretend. Just be real.

Believe it or not, owning your failures, your mistakes, your burdens, your struggles can take a LOT of pressure off. Yep, just by owning them. By doing that you are blowing off the dark cloud that follows you, your cleaning the skeletons out of the closet. What a joy it truly is to know that you don't have anything to hide. No secrets.....transparent.

What purpose does hiding serve when in the end it's going to be revealed anyway? Live your life like an open book, there will be torn and weathered pages, broken spines and faded covers but wisdom will burst forth and repair continual.

We stunt our own individual growth when we hide from our inadequacies. Confronting them, owning them and relinquishing them to Christ is the relationship that he desires us to have. This is the openness that he wants. To live in the light - and to not be afraid.

Apr 5, 2010

Mar 15, 2010

So then I was trampled under a rainbow...

Spring is just around the corner! I'm actually really happy about this, mostly because that means it'll be warmer. I'm so ready for warm weather. I can't wait to get our garden planted (ready for this so I can get all these plants out of my kitchen). Vegetable gardens rock. The thought of being able to go outside and pick my own veggies is just so cool. :)

I hope I can keep up with everything going on this spring! The kids will be here in June. So the task is making Mason's room that can counter as a bedroom for 3.... without making anyone feel left out. Hmmm. Here's to working on getting the carport enclosed! :) I am so excited about what this year is bringing. I think it's good stuff. Really good stuff. Finally.

Mason has 2 teeth now. Jaclyn is really coming along in speech. Abby is very stubborn and very much like her Momma.../sigh. LOL Anna just turned 14 and look 18 *shotgun*, Adri is just precious and is doing great in school and Bubba - well, he is *all* boy!

I'm blessed and grateful. So very grateful. :)

Mar 12, 2010

Raining Daisies on a Summer Day.....

Daisies = simplicity...easy...quiet....

Those are words that describe daisies to me. It also really represents my life at this point. Loving Joe, is surprisingly such an easy love. He's truly a rare soul. He doesn't worry about impressing people - so the circle to that is that because he's not worried about that he doesn't oppress anyone (like me or the kids) and in turn he's just real and people like him. I honestly don't know anyone who doesn't like him. I do think that's rare.

I've learned so much about life from him in the last 3 years. He says I make him want to be a better person and I think that about him. Because he is who he is - a man who shows love through his actions not his words.

Anyone can show love through words. But behind closed doors, when no one is looking what kind of love are they showing?

I love the fact that Joe has never raised his voice to me. I love how he comes home from work and seeks me out before anyone else and wraps those big strong arms around me and tells me how much he loves me. How he remembers everything I say....and months later he'll bring something home and say "didn't you want one of these...". Or how we like the exact same things. We love the same food, the same colors, the same decor...gardening stuff...

It just makes life easy. Simple. Nothing is complicated or tense. And *that* is precious. :)

Feb 24, 2010

Wow time flies.....

I can't believe how long it's been since I have been on here! We got moved into the house and are just now getting internet. I have to say while there were times I missed it, there were also times it was nice to not have it always on. :)

We've gotten SO much done on the house! And the kids are getting so so big. I really need to update the pictures. I'll try to get on that soon. Hopefully very soon I'll get back into my regular routine of writing. I have *a lot* to say and it's been building. *grin* So much has happened - and I'm constantly keeping my eye on the goal and learning, learning, learning.

God is good. All the time. And I'm grateful that He has so much more patience for me than I have. :) Well, kiddo's are all asleep and Joe's installing the new dishwasher so I am going to get off here and go help...(watch). My sweet husband who hung the moon.

Oct 19, 2009

Out with the old...In with the new - Again!

Well, the old kitchen is out! The paint is up on the walls and we are super excited about getting the kitchen cabinets today! Hopefully we'll get the kitchen cabinets and floor done this week so we can actually MOVE IN. At least that's my hope.....or else I'm gonna get desperate and start lighting candles on the front porch step....LOL

This has been a really long drawn out process. Mostly because with renovation, it never goes as planned. Something is always taking forever. So as it is we are about 2 weeks behind. But what's two weeks in the grand scheme of things right? *wink*

If only I could get a job and help pay for all this..../sigh

Oct 10, 2009


We pulled up the carpet in our new house and found hardwood floors. As excited as we were they were in BAD shape....

So some MAJOR hard work from Joe....

And this is the end result below! I am so proud of him!!

The camera lens has some water drops on it so you'll have to look past that and the reflection of the window in the middle of the floor...LOL But they are beautiful. Pictures don't do them justice!

Random pics...

Gammaw with Jaclyn & Abby at the fair

Daddy & Jaclyn at the fair

Me holding Jaclyn and Mason. She's full of kisses for her baby brother! :)

Oct 8, 2009

Abby & Jaclyn (above) just being silly :)

Abby Grace :)

Joe showing Abby how to ride the new 4 wheeler. She has a helmet and goggles too, but the batteries died in the camera after this shot. LOL


Someone told me recently that if Joe and I didn't fight or whatever then either one or both of us was seriously repressing something or "reality hasn't hit yet". Hmmm. I have thought long and hard about this.

Why must reality be a negative? According to this person, if reality had hit our marriage then it would have had a negative effect. But I see it as quite the opposite. I see that reality has definitely effected us. Except that it isn't a negative but a positive.

Is this how our society views love, marriage...commitment? Something that is only good until reality hits? Then when reality hits it gets hard? Why must we be people that insist on reading marriage books and listening to "experts"? If we spent half the time with our spouse listening to them instead of to some stranger, I think life would be easier.

Don't get me wrong, it isn't that I don't believe in marriage help books or people, it's just that I truly believe that if you have 2 people that are willing to work at something, does it truly take someone else to help pull you together?

For us, it's easy to talk. Even if there is a problem, talking it out has never been an issue. Simply because we are 2 people who value each other, respect each other and most definitely doesn't want to be the cause of pain in the other. It's easier for me to talk to Joe about stuff than for me to go read a book on marriage.

I do feel that there are occasions when an outside point of view can help bring perspective on a problems. But I more strongly feel that if the 2 people would just desire to bring only good will on the other, lives would be easier.

It's much harder, I think when you have a spouse with a narcissistic attitude (when they view all of their relationships as being centered around them, parents, children, co-workers, church...). When this happens they will inevitably have that "teacher" tone, not exactly viewing you as equal, but as someone they possibly "saved" and can now teach and train. Sad, but happens all the time.

Reality is what is real. In my life, there are a lot of realities. In regards to my husband and family - they are positive. A negative? That I miss my older 3 kiddo's like crazy. As I am sure my ex misses Abby. A reality. Aside from that - my reality is that I have the chance to be a better wife this time around. To treat my husband the way I should. To be his help-mate, lover and friend.

And I married someone who truly loves me. He shows it everyday in his actions and his words. But anyone can say it, huh? I guess the true test is can they consistently display it? I get that now and even more I am blessed to be able to give it.

I hope that people can realize that reality doesn't always have to be a negative and that marriage doesn't always have to be so hard. ~

Oct 7, 2009

It's that time of year....

Out with the old, in with the new. It's fall cleaning time again. Why does it seem like I just cleaned out dresser drawers and closets? Yet here it is, time to replace the winter clothes in the attic with the summer clothes. Time to pull out my bread pans as this is the time of year I love to bake. There is nothing like walking into a warm kitchen with the lingering smell of pumpkin bread or apple pies or rising yeast rolls....the list goes on. Yum. :)

My favorite would have to be the constant orange spice tea that is being made from scratch. The smell of cinnamon and cloves bursting throughout the house. To me that just screams "fall is here"!!! *laughing*

Here is my famous apple pie recipe. It's absolutely no fail. Easy as...well...pie. *grin*

(the secret to the crust is that you will be using both shortening AND butter. Why, you ask? Because this way you'll achieve the crumbly AND the flaky.)

The Crust

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
6 tablespoons butter
6 tablespoons shortening
6 to 8 tablespoons ice water

Leave the butter out until it is VERY soft - but not anywhere close to melted. In a large bowl mix your flour, salt and sugar. Then cut in your butter shortening and ice water. The trick here is to not overwork your dough. Cut it in gently while using swift strokes. For into a ball, wrap in saran wrap and stick in the fridge for about 20 minutes.

The Pie

1/2 cup unsalted butter
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/4 cup water
8 Granny Smith apples - peeled, cored and sliced

Melt the butter in a small pan on the stove. Then stir in the flour until it looks like a paste. Then add white sugar, brown sugar and water. When it comes to a boil, reduce temp and simmer for about 5 minutes.

Peel and cut your apples into a large bowl. Take you cinnamon and nutmeg and sprinkle over apples. Gently stir. Make sure you resist the temptation to add the cinnamon and nutmeg to the sauce on the stove. Seriously. What you'll end up with is an ugly dark pie. It'll be good but it won't look it. LOL

Roll out your dough to about 1/8 thickness (or however you like it). Place on bottom of pie plate. Fill with apples (using the "mound" method). Once full, very slowly and very gently, pour mixture from stove over apples.

Roll out top crust and place over pie. Make slits on top of crust. Using leftover dough to make cut out flowers or whatnots is a cute way to top it off. My kids have always loved the way I do that.


Make sure you have a completely pre-heated oven before sticking this in.

pre-heat to 425 and bake for 15 minutes. Then REDUCE to 350 and continue to bake for about 40 minutes.

Allow to sit for 10-15 minutes before serving. (also important step to not overlook...LOL)



Oct 3, 2009

Simply Mine

My ex husband married my sister. (this wasn't a recent event, they've been married for over a year) Yep. Anyway it happened and it has changed so many things. Put a lot of tension where it wouldn't have otherwise been. Of course, if you ask some, they'll say "it's only tense because some make it tense".

Really that isn't true. There are times that people and their circumstances just make people uneasy. My sister and my ex being married certainly would have that effect on one hand. Like I have that effect on his family (or so it seems).

Some would think that it's an odd thing to happen. I've heard all the jokes about my kids being their own cousins and how my daughters Dad is her sisters Uncle. Yeah yeah yeah.

I also think that those two were meant to be married long long ago. They are a MUCH better fit than he and I were. We got 4 awesome things out of that marriage and that's it. And for those 4 kiddo's, I'm grateful.

I don't dwell on it. The way I see it, it isn't my story anymore. I cut that part of the book off and began a new chapter.

Sisters? Yes. Not that it really matters, we spent years apart, she and I. I had babies and never heard from her. Maybe there is a reason we've never been close. God knows every chapter of our lives long before it ever happens. Who knows.

It is, however, my kids story. How they feel about certain things, their relationships with family etc...all part of their story. Not mine. So how I "feel" about something or someone doesn't matter. I love each of those kids enough to allow them to have those relationships without my opinion weighing them down. Now, when it comes to right or wrong, that's a different story. It's my responsibility as their Momma to guide and teach them. But even that has to be done without bias. Or you run the terrible risk of creating more difficult issues that will encumber them later on in life.

And of course, it all comes down to this;

What you say to a child, what you do, how you act etc. are all things that child will remember. That is the most important thing to me. When a child is yelled at or embarrassed or lied to or someone talks bad about a parent (either parent) those are ALL things that will bury itself inside that child's memory and stay forever.

So that child grows up. And with it, stays it's memories. Don't be a negative part to that. The negative can not be undone. I have lots of happy memories with one of my Aunts. But there are also a couple of times that she said something that I have remembered, all these years later. And it hurt.

Children have this innate ability to deeply love. Even when you don't. So there are people my kids love that I do not. I do, though, deeply love my kids - therefore completely supporting their love for those people.

Because that's what grown-ups do.

So yes, my ex and my sister are married. And as difficult and complicated as that has been at times, it is what it is.

And my life now is too. I cherish where I am. Leaving the past where it belongs.

Like an old favorite book, worn, torn and tired pages with a soft and fragile spine, I will still continue on my story.....because it is simply mine.

Sep 30, 2009

Mason - September

(above)Mason with Gammaw :)

Mason :)

(above) Our sweet chunker monker

Gammaw with Jaclyn & Mason

Sep 11, 2009

Pics pics pics.....

Picked a peck of pickeled peppers...LOL

Wow! Summer has flown by! We had Mr. Mason make his grand entrance on June 28th. He's a cute chunky monkey now! LOL All the kids were here and Anna was able to be in the delivery room with us. It was seriously a precious precious moment in my life. To have her in there. Wow.

So I'll write more later but for now I'll update with pics! :)

Mar 5, 2009

Adventures of Christi....

I'm starting a new business making cloth diapers and wipes. I'm a proud owner of a brand new Singer sewing machine and I can't wait to get started. Here's an example of the cloth diapers of today and what I will be making....

They look like this on the inside. Again this is an example of a bum genius diaper. But the pattern I'm making is very similar to these. Eventually, after I get things off the ground with the diapers, I'll add things like hair bows and t-shirts to match the diaper covers. I'm getting ahead of myself though. :) For now, I am making simple fitted diapers and covers with a hidden PUL layer. I'll also make soakers out of Hemp French Terry. As I believe this is the best material for soakers. I'm really excited about this new adventure. I know it'll take a little while to get started but the best part is that this is something I enjoy, it's fun. And I can do this and be able to stay home with my munchkins. That is the BEST part about it. :) Speaking of munchkins!
I am proud to announce that Joe and I are expecting our son, Mason, to arrive July 29, 2009

Yeah! We are so excited about having another little boy running around. :) Abby has been saying all along that she's going to have a little "brudder". I guess she was right! We do go next Wednesday to Little Rock for a fetal echocardiogram. So we're keeping our fingers crossed that everything is fine with our little Mason Dobson. :) I'll keep you posted ~

Feb 21, 2009

Fell Into A Pool Of Purple Elephants

Joe and I took Abby to Wal-art last night to see about buying her a bike. We live in the perfect neighborhood for bike riding and she has outgrown her little tricycle. *sniff*. She cracks us up all the time with her little antics and sayings. We were walking through looking at the bikes and Joe reached up to get a bike off the really high hook it was hanging on and Abby says "Uh, I don't think so. That is a big bike for big humans." LOL I crack up at this. Then we stopped at the store because Joe was fixing his famous chicken/bacon/ranch (on the grill...YUMMY) Well, the girls and I waited in the car while he ran in. While we were waiting I saw that I had missed Mom's call, 4 times, so I called her back. Abby gets on the pone with her and asks "Mimi, are you a human?" LOL I have no idea what the deal is with the whole being a human but she is such a funny little girl.

Here recently she has refused to count right (1,2,3 etc). She claims that she is counting like her Dad. When I asked him about it we finally decided figured out that when she was visiting him they played hide and seek and they counted out of order just trying to be funny. Well, she took it seriously and now won't count right for anything. LOL Anyway, before wal-mart last night we went to a book store to pick up a book I had ordered. Abby was looking around at all the books for her age and all of a sudden I realize she's counting... 1,2,3,4,5... I look at Joe and say "Hey, do you hear that? He grins and says (in his deep voice drawing the word out) "yes". I just laugh but I did feel relieved knowing that she CAN do it, she just doesn't WANT to.

Took me back to the old laundry times I had where it was a struggle...wanting to do it and doing it, come to find out, were very different things. Ha!

Well, today is Saturday and we are taking the girls and heading out of town! Yeah!!! We're so glad to be able to get away and go do something! I'll post pics of our adventures after we get back.

Oh and a belly update.....I am 18 weeks pregnant today. Yes, my tummy definitely looks pregnant, Joe can now rub my belly and make wishes....LOL I have a dr's appt next Wednesday and will let ya know how it goes! So far, things have been drama free (thank God) and we are hoping for a plump little healthy baby. :)


Feb 12, 2009

She's crawling!

Yep! Jaclyn has mastered the art of crawling. Although she kind-of looks like a little frog sometimes. LOL She gets up on all fours and rocks and then she plops down on her tummy and low crawls across the floor. What she really wants to do is walk.....but let's hope she waits a while to do that!
The good news here is that work has picked back up at the electric company Joe works for. *Thank God*. Seriously. So hopefully it will stay that way. We have school tuition to pay for and Jaclyn's medical bills!

Well, Abby's in the tub and Jaclyn is now all over the place so I had better get off this computer. Hopefully I'll get a video on here soon of both of them :) ~

Feb 11, 2009

Growing up

Jaclyn is trying so hard to crawl. She gets up on both her hands and her knees and then she just rocks back and forth. Poor girl, she gets so upset when she doesn't go anywhere. LOL
She's just so curious about everything though it's so funny. Just like her Daddy, if there is a cord or gadget laying around that's what she goes for. You could have her surrounded with toys and she'll bypass them to get to someone's cell phone they left out or the computer cord or whatever else looks cool. :)

She's fun, it's going to be so neat to see what kind of personality she has. I've loved that about being a Momma. Being able to watch them all grow and exert their individual personalities. That's one of the best parts of being a parent. it's just so neat to watch these little people become big people, inside and out! I love being a Momma. It's what I've always wanted to do. Since I was a little girl I wanted to grow up and be a Momma. So how cool is it that I get to be one to 6 kiddo's?!?! *huge grin*

Feb 10, 2009

For my new readers...

I want to share with you this post before you start reading the last 4 years of my life.

So no one will read anything on here and get offended, I want you to all understand that these blogs that I've spent 4 years writing were a documentation of my life. I was married to a military guy and we did *try* to treat each other as husbands and wives should.

I thought about deleting a lot of posts but then a thought came over me. I'm not ashamed or anything else for any of these posts in regards to my first husband. It was my life, and I appreciated it for what it was. So I blogged about it. Writing has always been my way to escape, vent or otherwise relax.

And as you will read, life took a sharp turn. And we began on new paths. And I will blog about it, because I appreciate my life now even more than before.

This blog is particularly special to me. It represents who I was and who I am now. So beginning a new one, after some thought, just wasn't an option. There are a lot of old posts on here that I cherish and I didn't want to delete them.

To the right you will see an archive of months. Scroll down and you will see August at the bottom of the list. I began this blog on August 15, 2005. When you click on a month you may see a list of blogs. If you scroll the page down and start with the last blog first and then read up, they will be in order and make more sense...LOL

Again, this is me. The past and the present.

~ Christi

Feb 9, 2009


Reading some of the older posts on here lately really has had me thinking! Some of the posts I had forgotten about and was laughing so hard while reading them. Some made me sad. All in all, I realized that this blog really has been a documentation of my life. Pretty much the past 4 years. There is a lot of good documented, a lot of funny, some serious, some sad. But it's my life. It's my thoughts.

The one thing I'm going to do differently is be a little more real about the not so great stuff. There are too many Christians walking their walk who put on smiles and act like life is great and they don't struggle with anything. My friend, Kim, made a beautiful point the other day. I'll post it here:

If you don't have struggles or hard times then maybe you should ponder that. If Satan never attacks you then maybe you should ask yourself "am I a threat to him?". Quite simply, if you are not a threat, then he will not see the need to attack. If you ARE a threat, then he will attack.

I think I've learned to take my attacks as a compliment. Satan knows I want to live my life for God. And knowing that makes him really angry. And I've learned that he'll stop at nothing to get at me. The thing is, he won't win. Because even when I felt like I was in my darkest deepest moments at the bottom of the pit, I relied on God.

I kept reminding myself of Romans 12. Trying to not be conformed but transformed. And holy cow have I messed things up! But I would continue to say to myself "out with the old in with the new". And it has helped me keep my eye on the goal.

I am a divorced/remarried woman/momma. As sad as divorce is, I'm grateful that my ex-husband and I have come to the conclusion that we want to make this as easy an experience for our kids as we can. Is there anything easy about divorce? Nope. But it doesn't have to be a huge nasty fight. And I think we've learned that when you ignore the ill advice of people encouraging you to "go after or fight" and you put the kids first remembering that fighting in any way will hurt them, things are better.

It just doesn't matter any more what happened in our marriage. The divorce dissolved the marriage and it's contents. And what we have left are these 4 beautiful children who deserve only the best that we can give them.

That means putting aside what we want, what we think we deserve, and put the kids first. It's amazing how just doing that can clear up so many issues.

I also think that there were a lot of well meaning friends and family who were encouraging a nasty fight. Court or otherwise. I find that interesting seeing as how we both come from a long line of Christians.......

My point is that we all have our struggles. Some people have secret struggles and some have open struggles. We choose to be real about them or not. Sometimes we get angry when someone doesn't do things the way we want.

I've certainly had people angry with me because they think I'm doing things wrong. Of course, My family supported me and his family supported him. That's probably generally how it is.

Funny though, not very many at all were simply on the kids side. No one told us BOTH, hey pull your head out and look at how you are making this, it seemed that it was either his side or my side.

Personally, I think the right thing to do would have been to just be on the kids side. It's important to our kids for their family members to be supportive of the other. It's important for my kids to know that my parents support a relationship with my ex's parents. It's a huge deal, because this is THEIR life. And ALL of these people are a part of their life. Even if they are not a part of my life, or my ex's life. it's about the KID'S life.

So, that's my view on this whole divorce thing. LOL

Feb 8, 2009

Well another year's gone by.....

Wow, I can't believe another year has gone by. Well, I did give birth to a beautiful baby girl on June 8th, 2008. She had Transposition of the great arteries with VSD. You can read about her open heart surgery here...

I am married to a wonderful man, Joe. He's my best friend. Plain and simple. ;)

We actually are expecting again! This time due in July.

So much has happened over the last few years. I'm hoping to be able to write to help through some of the healing process. So much healing has already taken place and God is such a good and gracious God. For that I'm grateful.

I'll start writing more soon, until then...


Apr 10, 2008

Wow, a whole new life

Wow, well things are certainly in a completely new place from where things were the last time I blogged.

Let's see, I'm divorced.

That's the first very different thing. As sad as divorce is, I think it was the best thing that could have happened. I was married to someone who is a good person, just not good for me. I'm sure there is someone out there who will be able to appreciate him and all his needs/wants/desires.

The second very different thing is that I am in love with the most caring, gentle man. And we are having a little girl here in just a few more weeks. It's so exciting, this whole new life.

Here is a picture of our little girl. :)

Apr 4, 2007


Sometimes life throws us a curve ball that we were not prepared to catch.

So it hits us in the face.

Sometimes our plans don't happen in the order that we planned them.

So life hits us in the face.

Sometimes we get so caught up in the poems of life that we forget reality.

So reality hits us in the face.

Sometimes we dream so big, that we leave everyone else out of our dreams.

So our dreams hit us in the face.

Sometimes we think we're doing the right thing.

So the wrong thing hits us in the face.

Sometimes we need so much that we forget that other people have needs too.

So needs hits us in the face.

Sometimes we want so badly to be loved that we forget to love.

So love hits us in the face.

Sometimes we hold so tightly to "ourselves"... we forget all about God.

So, maybe, just maybe, God hits us in the face.

And sometimes while we're getting hit in the face, we lose our vision and all the people we thought we loved.

And so those people get hit in the face.

Mar 20, 2007

Changes, Changes, Changes....

Wow. Life has certainly taken me down a different path than I expected to find myself on.

That's all I'm going to say for now. Until I find my words. Right now, I seem to have lost them.

Nov 23, 2006


First of all....

Sunnydale, I missed you SO much today!! I luv and mis you ;)


The best part of thanksgiving was being with my sister, Melody, her husband, Doug and their boys, Vince and Mark. The second best part was being there for my nephew Mark's baptism....and my Dad baptizing him. *huge grin*

And being with my sis..... Melody... *I love you*

And here is me and Vince, my oldest nephew....

And I promise to put some on here of all my kiddo's and them too!
We had a ton of food and a ton of fun. This was a great Thanksgiving! All we needed to make it perfect was Sunnydale.