Apr 13, 2010

Can you see me now?

Transparency - implies openness, communication and accountability.

Well, can you see me now? I've gained some weight. I'm working out everyday and drinking water so as to take care of this before it becomes a health problem. I'm not going to blame it on having babies or anything else cause the fact is that I just love food and eat proportions that could fill a grown man. *shrug* I will not buy any "fat sucker" panties or girdles or anything of the sort. I am me. This is who I am.

I am the same person on the inside right now that I am when I weigh 135 pounds.

Why do we try so hard to hide who we really are? So much draining effort is put into hiding the parts of us that we don't think are appealing. For some it may be appearance related and for others it may be a behavioral issue. We hide, we mask, we pretend, we do whatever we can so as to put up this facade that we don't have any problems and we don't struggle with anything.

We don't want to be judged.

We can't utilize the natural support system that God gave us because we're all afraid of each other. Therefore creating this destructive circle that teaches fear of judgment = hide. The only problem with this is that no matter how hard we try we can not hide from God. So by putting on masks and hiding we are only lying. And what an exhausting lie this is.

Being transparent means that we are visible. The Lord wants us to be real and honest about who we are with him and with others. This creates a truly intimate bond in that we can confess to one another. We can bear each others burdens. And we can do so without judgment.

We place such a burden on children also when they see these masks being put on in one place and taken off in others and replaced in yet another social situation. This burdens them to feel as though they have to pretend. Just be real.

Believe it or not, owning your failures, your mistakes, your burdens, your struggles can take a LOT of pressure off. Yep, just by owning them. By doing that you are blowing off the dark cloud that follows you, your cleaning the skeletons out of the closet. What a joy it truly is to know that you don't have anything to hide. No secrets.....transparent.

What purpose does hiding serve when in the end it's going to be revealed anyway? Live your life like an open book, there will be torn and weathered pages, broken spines and faded covers but wisdom will burst forth and repair continual.

We stunt our own individual growth when we hide from our inadequacies. Confronting them, owning them and relinquishing them to Christ is the relationship that he desires us to have. This is the openness that he wants. To live in the light - and to not be afraid.

Apr 5, 2010