Jan 30, 2006

Battle of the brain...

Ok, so I never claimed to have true control over my brain and all of it's function buttons. However I am putting more of an effort into maintaining some level of accuracy. *smile* I'm really slacking on this blog aren't I? Doesn't help much to keep up with us, huh. I'm just trying to challenge all of you readers out there to keep in touch some other way. Like phone calls or email. :)

I'd say that not much is going on, but that wouldn't be true! January has been busy and February will be even busier! My parents are coming on the 7th *cheer*, and yes that is our 11th anniversary. *wink*
"One More" will be recording on the 10th, 11th and 12th up in Chico, Ca. Also at DLI on the 26th of Feb. They are currently getting ready to perform for the Battle of the Bands (Christian bands). So wish us luck! (in other words, pray pray pray!)

The fam is good. Kids grow fast when time flies! Abby is walking everywhere trying to run even! She is such a little sweetie as they all are. Anna's best friend just moved so today is her first day back at school without Tory. She was nervous not to have her friend by her side. It's a challenge to her now too, to make new friends. Adri is enjoying her new teacher at school. She enjoys it but gets frustrated because she says "all we do is count money...money, money money!" *grin* Sunnydale Jr. is doing really well also. Although he's eating me out of house and home. I really have no idea where he puts it all!

I am enjoying work SO much more!! We have a new Chaplain, and he is absolutely wonderful! His wife reminds me a lot of my Mom! They are truly kind people and put God first. I really appreciate that. Everyone in this Chapel is enjoying the atmosphere around here so much more. Thank you God!

Well, I need to run and get back to work. Continue to keep us in your prayers. That God will lead our family to where He wants and to do the work that He needs. Pray for the band too, they really are exceptional Christian musicians. ~

Jan 7, 2006

Back into the swing of things....

Well, it's that time isn't it? Time to finish putting all the holiday decorations away and get back into the swing of things. Sunnydale went back to work yesterday. Three weeks at home with us was bliss! But all good things must come to an end, right? I wonder if I can take three weeks worth of leave and go to work with him....*laughs*

The kids started back to school this past Wednesday. Anna told me that they were working on a project in her class. They had to write their "New Years Revelation". I cracked up. So funny how kids interpret things differently inside their heads.

So, I was thinking last night while I was sleeping (yes, I'm a multi-tasker) about what my resolution would be for the year. I thought about all the normal things like, saving money, keeping in better touch with family, but then I came to the conclusion that it would be a lot more fun to try something new. So that's my resolution. Sometime this year, I'm going to try something new, no - not food. Something outside of my comfort zone. Broaden my horizons some. *grin* Hope you all have fun coming up with a goal for this new year. This is a big year for us, you know. We'll be thirty. I have complete mixed feelings about that....*laughing* However, at the same time, I'm excited about it.

Well, when I'm done here it's back to the land of Laundry, city of Tide. *sigh*